Hello to new subscribers to my weekly art blog. I thought I would let you know what to expect to see on my blog each week.
I am a watercolour pencil artist, urban sketcher, nature journaller. I enjoy quick sketches and studied drawings.
Some weeks I feature a project I am working on or an event I have been to. I usually provide a bit of background and context and work-in-progress photographs.
I also try to regularly write about my watercolour pencils and how I use them, giving practical examples. I have been drawing daily with watercolour pencils for over ten years and am still learning and getting excited by what am able to accomplish with them. I hope to inspire people to use these and just have fun putting pencil to paper.
And then there are weeks like this, where I show what I have been sketching and drawing during the week. This can be an eclectic mix depending on what I have been doing. I am still working from home full time so my daily sketches do not feature as many ‘out and about’ sketching as they would have a few years ago.
This week I attended an outdoor event: a tour of the gardens at Bishopscourt, the residence of the Melbourne Anglican Archbishop. The house is the oldest in East Melbourne (1853) and the gardens have their history too.
I am very rusty at drawing groups of people as I have not been in this situation for so long now.
I sketched at the hairdressers. The top half is me in the mirror The feet are the person on the other side of the mirror. Iti s like one of those books from childhood.
I had the opportunity to draw some food.

I attended a Zoom life drawing session one night. The theme was the cult movie Blade Runner, with the models dressed and posing as main characters.

I have also been working on my “You Can’t Draw in Books” project for a potential event. This involves drawing in books that are about to be discarded, illustrating the words on the page. I give it a new life. More news on this project later.

I hope you enjoy the blog.
Yes I did enjoy your Blog and the sketches of some things you have been doing. Thanks for sharing.
The “you cant sketch on a book” intrigues me, I so want to try, BUT I have this compulsion to not even wright in books, i read a paperback and it still looks new when I am done. You are motivating me to give it a go, I want to hear more.
Hmm, idea, now that i am in France, learning more french, illustrating a page as you suggest might help with that????