Yesterday I participated in a real person event. So much of my interaction with people has been online since March 2020. Life is opening up in Melbourne, however, I am still working from home and cautious on my event attendance.
I was so pleased and proud of myself that I registered and attended “Coast Walk & Draw” run by Port Phillip EcoCentre. It included a coastal path walk and talk and a nature sketching session by my sketching friend Amy who hosts Melbourne Nature Journal Club.
It was a big event for me also as it involved one hour of travel and two forms of public transport each way to a place I have never been to. This is way outside my comfort zone. Now that I have done it once, I am feeling a lot better about the whole concept. It was just what I needed.
There were 20 people on the walk of all ages and the weather was absolutely beautiful.

The session was run by The Port Phillip EcoCentre which have “been transforming the way Melbourne understands wildlife, waterways and climate change since 1999”. The guides Ben, Reiko, and Justine shared their amazing and deep knowledge of the area, which is a Marine Sanctuary. They showed us natural objects that had been found in the waters. Ben is a passionate Vertebrate-Palaeontologist (YouTube, Instagram, blog ) and showed us whale and shark bones found on scuba diving expeditions in the area. They are from 5-6 million years in the past!. They also pointed out the marine life in the sea as we walked along the coastal wall. I saw my first ‘wild’ starfish. (It should be called a sea star, but that will take me ages to get used to) This was an 11 armed starfish. Amazing.

and the sketching !!!
After the walk, we sat in the shade and Amy provided a wonderful introduction to those who had never done nature sketching and removed any fears or questions people had about nature sketching. What is it? how to do it? Amy provided a great take-home handout that had all the hints and tips and prompts written down.
We had 40 minutes to sketch. I had been wanting sketch during the entire walk, and then when I had the chance to, I did not know where to begin. Someone had mentioned Salt Bush growing in the area. As we were by the sea I decided to sketch that. I sketched one branch up close and in colour (Earth Green Faber Castell) and then the outline of some others in the background to show that it is part of a bush.
I had lots of questions that I wrote on the page and am still looking up all the answers.

I added the ocean in the background as we sat talking after, just to give some context.
I also tried a bit of sketching the group and presenters I am so out of practice.

A big day. A good day.
And finally, Amy mentioned that you don’t have to go somewhere exotic to sketch nature, it is all around us. Look up at the clouds. I agree, anything is sketchable.

What a wonderful day of learning for you. It sounds like a delightful spot to explore. The sketches added a finishing touch to your day – well done.
Art has such a gentle but powerful way of taking us places we would never go on our own!