Monthly Archives: September 2020

sketching ducklings

Eight little ducks went out one day
over the hills and far away
Mother Duck said quack quack quack quack
… and all of the eight little ducks came back.

That is the last verse of a childhood rhyme. You may have an equivalent version,
I have been reminded of it each time I visit the baby ducklings at Treasury Gardens in Melbourne. They first appeared in early August. Spring did not begin until 1 September, so it was still very icy for a few weeks. I am happy to say there are still eight.

These are Australian Wood Ducks. There are only two species of ducks in the gardens and I have not seen the others with ducklings.

This blog post has my sketches since August . This is the current sketch. The rest of the page I have them listed from early August to now.

12 September

from a photo I took
They look a scruffy lot

Sometimes they are the highlight of my day in lockdown Melbourne. I go out to the gardens in my one hour allowed exercise. Looking for the ducklings is a goal. I can’t stop long to sketch so it was just been basic lines in watercolour pencil or ink pen, with a bit of colour.

2 August

6 August

16 August

25 August

10 September

From Monday we can go out for recreation for two hours, so I think that means I can stop and sketch. I am looking forward to one day, sitting under a tree, sketching and reading and enjoying the sunshine.

my yellow watercolour pencils

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

I drew this lemon as I listened to the latest update on lockdown in Melbourne and Victoria. Drawing always soothes me. I shall now take this enforced extended home time to continue with a few more art projects.

work in progress

The first photo is the colours I used. Cadmium Yellow Lemon was the star of the show. I am now sure if I have ever used it before. The second photo is some of the other yellows that I could have chosen from. Below is a colour chart