I have a brand new customised pencil wrap that I am taking with me to London and Barcelona tomorrow!
This is what it looks like fully stocked with my pencils and pens – all packed and ready to go!
PROTOTYPE #3(the current version)

This is the original Derwent pencil wrap as sold in shops. I used it from 2009 til 2012
Overtime I realised that the style of the wrap did not actually suit the way I draw and the way I use my pencils.
The issues were:
· Drawing at a table – eg at a café.
On a table it would take up a large amount of space– It was awkward to have the wrap out and food on the table, as well as my sketchbook
On my lap – it was too long and would fall over the sides of lap– more difficult to pick up the pencils quickly.
· Drawing standing up – once again it was awkward to hold the length of the wrap.
At the end of the day I always had loose pencils falling out of the wrap in my bag and there would be half a dozen pencils at the bottom of my bag.
I could have changed the way I work but I seems easier to change the sketchkit
I had many suggestions from friends and fellow sketchers. My original concept started as it being a part of my shoulder bag – and would fold down from the side.
I had many ideas but I did not have the technical ability to take them any further
PROTOTYPE #1 (by me)
I cut in the pencil wrap in half and crudely tacked them together, one half on top of the other
Eight months later I was using my temporary prototype and it was looking a little worse for wear.
PROTOTYPE #2 (by Kaz)
A sketching friend, Kaz, took pity on me and offered to create a new pencil wrap based on this. She also loves a project and challenge. I bought another new one from the shop, Kaz took measurements and asked me about what I needed. Not long later she gave me a new version. It was foldable and had pockets .
New feature Two little pockets at top each side to put eraser and pencil sharpener
After one week of trialling it, I discovered some things worked brilliantly (the pockets- and extra flap at the top)
Others I did not use (the extra fold up option, as I always used it in “full display” mode)
I also found out that the bottom needs to be closed so pencils don’t fall out.
These were quickly incorporate into PROTOTYPE #3 which you see at the top of the page.
– We are both already thinking of PROTOTYPE #4 . My upcoming three week holiday to London and Barcelona should test it as I will be sketching everywhere everyday ,
– Pockets need clips to close so that sharpener and eraser do not fall out in bag pocket (put in upside down
– Maybe a triple decker version ??
– Make from scratch with a light canvas ………