As promised, here is another timelapse video of me sketching with my watercolour pencils.
This one worked out better in theory and in the practice session than when I filmed it but it lets me explain some approaches I use.
It begins with what I use- a Pacific Black Duck feather, two small paintbrushes, Dark Sepia Faber Castell Albrecht Durer watercolour pencil, Black FaberCastell Polychromos (coloured ) pencil, Staedler sharpener.
I will walk you through what I do. HINT – you can change the speed of viewing by clicking on the three dots. Change Playback speed from Normal to .025

- For feather drawing only, I start with a Black coloured pencil. This is the only time I use a coloured pencil and not a watercolour pencil. I draw in the spine (rachis) of a feather. Once I have mark this on the page, I don’t want it to move, which is why I use the coloured pencil. Other watercolour pencil pigment is added and I will move the pigment around on the page, sometimes over this mark.
- I block out the shape, notches and major area of the feather in the colour I am drawing in (ie not HB pencil ), which in this case is Dark Sepia. I just used one colour in this example in the hope it shows the basics. Blocking out the shape also makes sure it fits on the page.
- I add more colour (ie more pigment) to the darker parts of the feather.
- I use this pigment to sweep the colour across the feather. It will get lighter and paler.I use this to get a light colour close to that spine.
- Colour and detail are built up on top of the colour that is on the page. It involves waiting for the page to dry before more can be added,
- The fun bit is the plume at the end of the feather. You can go a bit wild here,
- Usually, the final marks are to define individual fine barbs of the feather, the darkening of the darkest colour areas and the hard line of an edge.
- I sharpen my pencil a lot when drawing feathers – lots of fine details.
- You will notice I also take colour off the tip of the pencil. This is a way of picking up pigment to add to the page. The pencil tip will get soft this way, so allow time for it to harden and then sharpen again.
- Controlling the amount of water on the page controls the spread of colour, All learnt through practice.
In this link have “work in progress” photos of drawing a feather from 2010.
I have a series of feather and nest drawings available on my ETSY website.
happy sketching. Let me know how you go.