I am home from another wonderful Clunes Booktown Festival.

This two-day annual event dominates my evenings and weekends in the months leading up to it. Once I receive the email confirming my application, I focus on drawing in the old books I have been acquiring throughout the year.

We drove up from Melbourne 1 1/2 hours and immediately set up in the Old Bluestone Church. Most of the stall holders are in the main street in the large white marquees. There was excitement in the air, with everyone setting up stalls, signs and books.
The weather was perfect sunny, Autumnal weather all weekend. It could have been better.

and in the town. Thousands of book lovers filled the streets to browse books, enjoy the talks entertainment and local traders.

You get the idea !

Here is our Old Bluestone building set up.

Cheers to us at the end of day 1

and again on Monday morning with coffee.

and of course, I brought some bargains to draw in for next year!

I had wonderful conversations with friends, librarians, and book lovers galore.
My greatest thanks to my good friends Adam & Micheala who provided transport support and fed me ! Also to the organisers and many volunteers who made it a success.
Any books that I did not sell on the weekend will be added to my ETSY store this coming weekend !