Squirrel meet watercolour pencil, watercolour pencil meet squirrel.
(Thanks to Mum & Jules for your patience while I waited to line up this photo)
I took my usual sketching equipment and put pencil to paper as many times a day as I could. I have so many tales to tell. However, I have not even started scanning my sketchbook pages and this will be done over the next few weeks. While on holiday I instagrammed (alissaduke1) a sketch daily if you would like to have a glimpse of some of them.
This week’s blog is just a little taste of things to come.
I felt that GREEN was the colour of my holiday (although when I look through my sketchbooks, it does not feature heavily). Specifically Grass Green (Faber Castell) ! I used this pencil so often in the UK – the grass was SO green and the trees are a different shade.
My other main green colour was Pine Green . The colours that I use in Australia, but did not use as much in the UK were Earth Green, Olive Green and also Light Yellow Ochre.
We walked through quite a few parks and looked out many train windows onto the green countryside. Although the UK was going into autumn, the trees had only just began to change and only some leaves had fallen.
More to come…