I have been the official urban sketcher at Melbourne Rare Book Week (MRBW) for the past two years. Each year during the week I write a daily blog post, posting my sketches from the events I attend. If you would like to see the sort of events they have held in the past and my sketches from them just click on this link . You will see all the results of a search of my blog.
I am honored to be involved again this year and will be sketching at over 20 of the 43 events. held during the week. I will be writing a blog daily from this Friday to the following Sunday.
Then my blog post returns to its usually weekly format
What is MRBW? A week of interesting and entertaining lectures, presentations and exhibitions.
It includes a wide variety of interesting topics on book-related themes, and entry to all events is free of charge. There is something for all interests and taste. They welcome bibliophiles, established collectors and those new to book collecting.
How does my sketching work ? I look at the program for the week and circle the events that I would like to attend and can get to, There is often an overlap of times of two events and sometimes not possible to travel from one to another , even though they are generally all in Melbourne CBD. I don’t have to book for the event (many have seating limits due to the space they are held in) and I usually stand at the back of the room. Therefore there are lots of “backs of heads of people’ sketches. If there is an interesting feature to the room ( Tonic House has a wonderful internal brick wall) I add to colour to it. I have been to some places previously and know what to expect, and others I need to decide on the spot. But that is the joy of sketching on location! Tackling the unknown is all part of the joy urban sketching .
Events go for 45 minutes to 90 minutes, All of my sketches are done on location, not from photos . They capture the event and are an impression of the moment. Sometimes I manage to do two sketches. Some are on single pages and others are double page spreads, I decide on format at the time.
All of sketches are done with watercolour pencils and Lamy Safari Joy ink pen in a 13 x 19 cm Moleskine watercolour sketchbook.
AND I get to hear amazing people share their passion and knowledge for their area of bookish expertise. !
I hope you enjoy my reporting of the event. Please say hello if you attend any of them and see me sketching !