Monthly Archives: March 2013

Hot cross buns
Happy Easter !
and here it is as a work in progress … drawn over an evening . I never time how long a drawing takes me, as I do not have a “start” and “finish time”. I have the tv on in the background, check my emails, and get up and down to do other things around the house while I am drawing.
Here is a list of the watercolour pencils I used for this in my Moleskine Watercolour Sketchbook
Burnt Yellow Ochre
Raw Umber
Orange Chrome
Burnt Ochre
Burnt Umber
Walnut Brown
Light Yellow Ochre

Happy Easter
Each year I draw an Easter card for my mother and also somehow find another treat to draw in my sketchbook. This year is no different .
This is a china rabbit that I have .He comes out and sits on a shelf at Easter. My grandmother remembers that it belonged to her mother and it was there about the time she was married – so maybe in the 1940s.
I also have a hot cross bun that will be drawn and eaten and added to this page over the next day or two….check back. I will see how long it lasts , sitting there temptingly on the kitchen bench in its brown paper packet.
I have four days of relaxation, socialising, and drawing ahead of me . Wonderful
This is the same rabbit when I drew him last year

Watercolour pencil on Fabbriano paper.
03Apr12 Easter bunny, a photo by alissa duke on Flickr.
and other previous years Easter drawings
01Apr10 Easter rabbit, a photo by alissa duke on Flickr.
04Apr10 Easter rabbit – oops, a photo by alissa duke on Flickr.

About me and my watercolour pencils
Welcome to my new blog!
I carry my sketchbook, pencils and pen with me everywhere. There is always something to draw! I try and make the most of every opportunity.
Please click on the About Me tab above for more information.
What do I use?
Watercolour pencils
How I use watercolour pencils
To get finer detail or more intense colour I take pigment off the tip of the pencil with the water brush. I also add finer details and any crisp clean areas to the page directly, with a finely sharpened pencil.
Sketch Kit

see 25Aug12 Part two: making my pencil roll,
I hope that this has been an interesting start to my blogging world. I look forward to my flickr , facebook and new blogger friends exploring small and large parts of my world through my pencils.

(I just have to figure out how to place them on the page !)