drawing nostalgia at home – part two

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post about a visit home and drawing nostalgia at home (part two).  I shared some drawings of everyday objects from around the house I grew up in. I recently took a final trip home before the move and drew some more ‘significant objects’. Some are objects that I always remember being around the house, but I don’t particularly want to own them now. I also tried to find out the history and whether my family members had the same memories. (not always)

dustpan and brush from the Big Shed

Others were quick sketches standing at the door, looking out over the back yard. A memory for me.

And now new memories will be made in a new place . Here are my first sketches as the shift was made.

I am planning a Nostalgia and Memories watercolour pencil sketching class in March as part of Summer classes. This was inspired by the these experiences and how many memories an object holds and how this can be captured on the page. My class schedule will be announced in the next few weeks. Watch this space.

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