This weeks blog is all about drawing to capture personal memories. I do a lot of quick on location sketch to capture the moment. The other part of my sketching is a little slower, with more thought behind the choosing the object or scene, and more time spent putting watercolour pencil to paper.
On a recent visit home I continued my drawings of everyday objects from around the house I grew up in. These are things that only mean something to me and some members of my family. I am sharing this to open your mind to the concept of capturing special memories on paper. These objects are not always big and exciting, but sometimes the small and everyday. In fact, the everyday can resonate more than bigger things. Objects that were meaningful to me , did not have the same connection for my brother.
Doorhandles from 1970
I do not want to actually own or take away any of these, so drawing them is away of keeping them. I also would like to find out the history of the object – where did we get it, when was it used. I want to write down my memories and other family members’ memories .
Other family history and memory drawings can be seen at :
drawing my dad’s shed – This is one of my favourite posts and I get very nostalgic reading it
all in a flickr album. I have drawn family history items as well as everyday objects. Looking back over these I start to feel all nostalgic. Here are are few previous drawings
I draw these with the object on the table in front of me.
I finished the weekend by drawing the front gate. I started by sitting out on the footpath and realised that I wanted more time to get more detail (and it was cold). I took several photographs and am still working on this. I return home again a few weeks and have a few more things I want to draw!

In essence, it is all about drawing objects that I have have a connection with, no matter how obscure or ‘everyday’ it is. I hope this inspires you !
I love what you have done on this blog as well as the ones in the past. There are special memories there for all of us and as you say mean more to some than others. It is a special collection of a past life and things that were a part of it. Just wonderful!
I have sketched only a few personal items from my past, but your sketches inspire me to do that more often. Like you, I don’t want to keep the object, but sketching it would be the ideal way to preserve it and all the attached memories.