I am taking a rest from my weekly blog this week. Life is busy and full of good things, I feel the need to get in control of a few things.

A few things I am doing are
I need to do an audit of my watercolour pencils. I have all the FaberCastell Albrecht Durer watercolour pencils. I bought these two years ago at the beginning of Melbourne’s long lockdown. I carry 26 of these with me every day and have written about them recently and have also talked about my Top 12. However, I have run out of some of my favourites and didn’t realise it until I went to get a new one from my supply ! Now that I am out and about a lot more I am using my usual colours. I need to go through them all, see which are missing and how many are duplicates/triplicates.

another project
On the spur of the moment, I bought a piece of equipment. I would really love to be able to film my page as I sketch. Ideally, this will be for on-location sketching to let you “look over my shoulder” as I sketch. I thought I would start with this. It is for controlling lighting for overhead shots and multiangle filing. I will start at home and then try on location later, maybe with another piece of equipment. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I have got it out of the box, and that is a major step.
I have no idea what I am doing!

Now that life is returning to normal, events are going into the diary, up until March and April next year!
Take it easy, you have emotional upheaval and grief to deal with.
We’ll be here when you are refreshed and ready.
Alissa I like what you did here – telling us about your need to take a break, and then giving us a peek into what you’re up to. Helps me feel like I’m a part of your journey, which you have a great way of doing anyway. Just wanted to let you know and wish you the best in exploring your new equipment!