I spent two days at the MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) for the Boxing Day test of international cricket. The test match may go up to 5 days, but I will watch the rest from home. I am not a big sports fan. but I grew up watching the cricket on tv with my brother in the 1980’s. This was the days of Dennis Lillee, Rod Marsh, I also live across the road from the MCG, so it seemed a shame not to take up the opportunity to go when a sketching friend Meegan, bought tickets.
I took my sketchkit of watercolour pencils, ink pen, 13 x 19 cm Moleskine watercolour sketchbook
I also took a broadbrim hat, a big bottle of water, sunburn cream, sunglasses and sandwiches for lunch.
Day 1 40 degrees, sellout crowd of 90000, slightly more Indian than Australian supporters.

There was an amazing atmosphere- even walking up to the game, as the number of people getting off trams increased, and people gathered for the food and entertainment outside the grounds. You could play cricket, bowl, get photos taken and write on signs to take in. I had my health checked at the free Shane Warne Legacy Health Check. All good! There was Indian food, henna painting, face painting, and other entertainment.

Day 2 was much cooler at 25 degrees, The photo above was taken early on, before the match started. The ground filled out quickly by the first ball at 10.30am.

Still a full crowd. We were in a different part of the stand on Day Two.
I did not sketch all the time. If you take your eye off the field, something happens!
It was difficult to sketch the players, as they are in the middle of the field, which is quite a distance away. The large screens around the ground make it easy to follow the game, but not great to sketch from.

The audience is always interesting – both entertaining and occasionally not !! A bit different from watching it on TV ! Plusses and minuses there. I learnt a lot about cricket culture !

Two big days. So glad I went and experienced it and could capture a bit of it on paper.