I have I started thinking about my art gear for my upcoming three week holiday in the UK, and have purchased and ordered some supplies. Some had to be ordered online and I bought extras to stock up for home as well.

I am going to attend the Urban Sketching Symposium in Manchester for three days, and will I be continuously sketching for the entire time. I sketch daily now and will have even more to draw when I am away.
I’ll be taking my current pencil wrap (same old one as my new one did not get made), filled with new Faber Castell LONG pencils. I’ve bought new watercolours pencil and will take doubles of a few that I am prone to use/loose. Payne Grey, Ivory, Light Yellow Ochre.
I also bought some new watercolour pencil colours that I have been advised for UK trees, buildings – Sap Green, Hookers Green, Alizarin Crimson.

I am taking three Moleskine 13 x 19 cm Watercolour Sketchbooks. I have already started the first one by holiday sketching- drawing my new suitcase, some British pounds. I’ll sketch my clothes before I go. Then at the airport, on the plane ….

My eraser is specific – it fits in my pencilwrap in a pencil space. TOMBOW Mono Zero 2.5 x 5 mm

I’ll take two waterbrushes – one in use and one spare. I use ZIG Brush H20 Medium Tip. It has a filter that slows the flow of water. This suits my drawing style, as I don’t flood the page with water and colour and I like to work in small areas on the page.

And a spare sharpener. Blunt pencils make for a bad drawing – so much of my drawing of objects relies on the hint of detail, which a sharp, fine line provides.
Of course, this is just my usual sketching gear. I am enrolled in four workshops and four activities at Manchester Urban Sketching Symposium. They will all challenge me and build my techniques and skills but are all suited to my drawing based approach. I will buy some extra art gear in Manchester when I get there. I am sure to get ideas from the other 500 sketchers there !