The program for the annual Melbourne Rare Book Week (MRBW) was launched on Monday night. MRBW is held from 5–14 JULY 2019 . Have look at the wide variety of talks on offer,

2019 sees the eighth Melbourne Rare Book Week (MRBW) and the 47th Australian Antiquarian Book Fair, presented by the Australian Association of Antiquarian Booksellers (ANZAAB) and Rare Books Melbourne (RBM).
The program will be presented by both regular and new MRBW partners. It will include a wide variety of interesting topics on book-related themes, and entry to all events is free of charge. There will be something for all interests and taste. We welcome bibliophiles, established collectors and those new to book collecting.
I am honoured to once again be the official sketcher on location at MRBW events.
I have also been working with Melbourne Library Services to draw the posters for their events in the week. This year the focus is crime. There are four events and a display. Below are my drawings that feature in the program and on posters.
Event 1 An exploration of the 1880s Melbourne of Fergus Hume.
Hosted by Dr Lucy Sussex, an expert on Australian detective fiction, explore the sites of Melbourne featured in the books of Fergus Hume, the author of Mystery of a Hansom Cab. Hear extracts from the works of Hume along the way.

Event 2 Views from outsiders: cooking, culture and European crime fiction
In some crime fiction, the setting and the cultural details are as important as the crime itself. Join Chris Browne, an avid fan and collector of this genre of popular crime fiction, for a comparison of four European cultures as he explores the worlds of Bruno, Brunetti, Gunter and Zen.

Event 3: The Knife is Feminine: discovering Charlotte Jay
Join our panel discussion with Sisters in Crime Australia’s Carmel Shute and Katherine Kovacic, with Chris Browne. Readings by Abbe Holmes. Presented by City of Melbourne Libraries and Sisters in Crime.
The first winner of the Edgar Allan Poe award was an Australian woman, forBeat Not The Bones a mystery book set in Papua New Guinea .
But who in 2019 has heard of Charlotte Jay in this her centenary year? Discover an Australian woman who wrote crime and mystery books set in locations around the world. Celebrate the life and works of Charlotte Jay. Find out why The Knife is Feminine.

Event 4: A Portrait of Molly Dean: fiction from true crime
Presented by City of Melbourne Libraries and Sisters in Crime, Katerine Kovacic in conversation with Chris Browne.
Crime fiction is often based on true crime. The murder of Molly Dean in November 1930 in Melbourne has prompted four books and a play.
Join Katherine Kovacic, author of The Portrait of Molly Dean, for a discussion of the crime and the subsequent fiction of the life and death of an outsider on the fringes of Melbourne’s Bohemian elite.

Display; Who dunnit? Who wrote it?’: an exhibition of crime fiction books
Featuring books from our presentations on European crime literature and the Australian author Charlotte Jay and a range of crime books available from the Footscray Mechanics Institute Library. Curated by: Chris Browne and Linda Longley . view at Library at the Dock Saturday 8 June to Sunday 14 July |

to see further details for times dates and bookings see the program for Melbourne Rare Book Week (MRBW) .