The last two weeks blogs have been about being Social Media Reporter at Clunes Booktown Festival last weekend.
There is one final project that is part of my role, which I am completing over the next few weeks.
The brief : The final creative piece is some form of artwork made in response to your overall festival experience. This piece is to act as a deeper reflection on your part about your experience of the festival, and to give you another opportunity to really get creative and experiment. You can think of this piece as either a summary of your whole experience, or an opportunity to really dive deep into one aspect of your experience you want to explore/portray.
For my Creative Piece I am going to be drawing in a book.
I planned to purchase a book at a second hand book stall on the day. I had in mind to purchase a book about books or language, I only had a little time to browse as I was sketching all day, and actually bought the two books in the last hour. The final book for possible drawing in was bought at Clunes Railway Station (walls lined with books) to read on the two hour journey home. I was attracted to drawing on the dictionary, however the pages are rough and not fun to draw in. So, my decision was made.

My book is : Language and Ideas: a course in English Expression for Junior Forms. Book 1 by Lane, Brereton, Dobell and Nelson published by Hall’s Book Store Pty Ltd Melbourne 1964. Previously owned by David J Netherway (in child’s writing in pencil in the front page). Cost $4
I dithered for a few days about what drawings to do and where to place them through the book.
I decided on
• drawings of historic buildings of Clunes
• drawings of books
• drawings of people looking at books at the Booktown Festival.
I am undecided about events at the Festival
I photocopied a few pages of the book and did some experimental drawings on those to see what it would look like. Then I began to draw on the actual pages.

I decided not to start at the beginning of the book – just open a page and start . Lots more drawing and lots of ideas to add to the pages over the next few weeks.