I have been very busy adding to my ETSY online store.
As well as greeting cards (koala Christmas cards are the most popular this year), I also have ‘drawn in books’ available for purchase.
These are books that were about to be discarded. By drawing in the book, I am giving it a new life, introducing it to a new audience to appreciate. The drawing is an interpretation of the words on the page. I draw in watercolour pencil, and each book’s paper is different, some taking more colour or water than others. This means I can sometimes add more detail.
The book could be framed as a book, or the pages removed and framed. The book could be displayed open on a shelf, or shelved for future reading with a surprise drawing for the reader to discover on one of its pages.
I created many for Clunes Book Town Festival in May 2022 and had not got around to putting them online. But Christmas has spurred me on.
I have also been accepted to have a stall for the 2023 Clunes Book Town Festival in March 2023. I have shelves of unwanted books ready to draw in. A weeks holiday at Christmas will keep me entertained

People purchase a book because they have a connection with the actual book, or with the image that I have drawn on the page.
I think overseaas mail outside Australia is closing soon. I have even had notofcation delays for internal Australian delvery til mid – December. Get in early before the delays begin !
Enjoy !