I write a blog post almost every week.
Some posts are practical hints and tips, others give some insight into what I sketch, why and how. And then sometimes it is ‘what I sketched this week”.
This still gives you a look at the variety of what I choose to sketch and how,
Beginning with a little cormorant drying itself in the breeze, On the walk to work. As soon as I saw him I grabbed my Black and Light Yellow Ochre watercolour pencil. It great to know all your colours and what they look like, so that you can make quick decisions. I did not add water to the page.

A discussion with Linda about the East Melbourne Library Community Garden and a sketchbook display to install next weekend. It will all tie in with the Seedbank Project that the Community is running. I plan to hold a class. Keep an eye on my Instagram or Facebook page for details and bookings!

a very quick sketch of some Buskers in Bourke Street Mall. Just a minute in and it started to pour rain.. Everyone ran for cover – the buskers, the audience and me.

a quick sketch of a popular coffee place in Melbourne city – Patricia’s. There are seats inside, but most people sit down the laneway, in the gutter or on milk crates.

I purchased some shoes for the gym. They are not colourful, but the packaging is !

and finally, ending the week on Sunday. I am very fortunate to hold Watercolour pencil sketching sessions at The Johnston Collection. I have written about this previously.
We explored watercolour pencils. These are in the Red Range (student grade) that they get on the day.

we then explored and sketched in the collection. You can see what a special place this is.

What sketching opportunities will next week bring ?
I really enjoy reading your posts, full of inspiration. Thank you
For some reason this latest post did not have all the illustrations attached – not a problem as I hopped onto the website. I tried to reload it a few times. (Using Apple email app).
Thank you ! It is lovely to know that my posts are read and inspire.
I did have some problems publishing the post this week and that may have caused the issue with the images!