I carry 26 watercolour pencils with me everyday in a pencil wrap. I have chosen these colours over many years, but they are still not absolutely fixed. They are the colours that I have decided suit the objects and scenes I usually sketch. They are 26 from a potential of 120 FaberCastell Albrecht Durer watercolour pencils. These are the pencils that you can purchase individually.
Someone asked for my advice on my top colours for them to purchase. I realise that 26 is probably too much choice and most people may just want a handy kit they can put in a pencil case.
I have managed to narrow it to 12. I tried to make it 10, but that was too difficult!

I just love watercolour pencils. You can see the amazing variety of tones that you can get from one colour – from very intense to beautifully delicate and light. That is fun of playing and practising with your pencils and knowing what they can do with them when you are out and about or at home, you can look at something and you can tell yourself “I know what colour is perfect for that !”
Part of the knowledge is the colours and the other part is how much water to add with your waterbrush. My waterbrush is on the far left of the photo. It is basically a tube which you fill with water. You need to play with controlling the amount of water that flows. It is easy to flood the page until you get used to it. Mine has a Medium brush.
I hope that anyone who has newly discovered watercolour pencils is having fun exploring their possibilities. Let me know if you have any questions.
Which colours do you carry? any of these?
Below are two of my on-location sketches from the past week.

You have given some invaluable advice on the use and colours of water colour pencils. I notice you have spent more time on the finished sketches at the end. I love the domed building and the sketch of the people at the cafe.
Love your post and look forward to receiving your blog! I was referred over by Amy Diana. Am just getting started with nature journaling and hope to one day incorporate into my blog at tarrythere.com.
Maybe you could consider some online classes or ones to access at any time? Am writing from USA so that would be an advantage.
Many blessings!
Carole Lynn
I’d love to see the full list of 26 colours 🙂
Thanks ! I will do those in the next few weeks! I have some on previous blogs over the years, but some of the colours get changed over time. It is about time I did another post on it. Watch this space.
Hi Carole. Welcome I hope that you discover some hints and tips on watercolour pencil sketching, or just observing life. There is always something interesting to observe and put down on paper. I am learning a lot from Any Diana and nature journalling. I am trying to write more and ask more questions. I would love to do something online, but am challenged by technology. I hope to look into this more this year. In the meantime, enjoy the blog and ask any questions!
Hello Hashi – I will have a blogpost on that within the next few weeks !