Today is Father’s Day in Australia. My dad passed away many years ago, but for today I drew some screwdrivers that came from his shed. I bought them home from clearing out Mum’s place recently.

I thought I would should you as a work in progress, but only remembered to scan it a few times. Once I start drawing, I lose all sense of time. Next time I might set a timer. This one was over a few evenings.

I have drawn tools before and wrote a long blog post about them back in 2017. Each time I read this I get all emotional.
This is all with watercolour pencils. My favourite colour discovery in the last few years in the Faber Castell Albrecht Durer range has been Dark Sepia. It is a lovely colour between dark brown and grey. But not either. I use it all the time. It is perfect for natural objects, and in this case, rust. I love the fact that I can sharpen my watercolour pencils and get a fine point to add details and hard lines.

Have you discovered any new colours recently?
Hi, what a wonderful post. Love the story about your Dad, sounds like he was a creative person and it’s nice to have some tools that he used to remember him by! I love your sketches how it records your day. My color that I enjoy using, is Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle’s Naples ochre. It has a subtle yellow color that just adds a soft glow to things. Thanks for a wonderful blog. I’m just now getting in to really using watercolor pencils.
Oh- I am SO happy. I love to introduce people to watercolour pencils. They can be used with other art materials as well. Isn’t it such a great feeling to find a new colour and then realise they are goign to be a new addition to your kit !