recent sketches

I was looking through my sketchbook, deciding what to write about and show this week.

I am choosing pages that document a bit of my life. I don’t sketch everything, although it may seem as though I do. Sometimes I make a deliberate decision and other times it is just grabbing an opportunity. That is why I carry my sketchbook and watercolour pencil wrap with me everywhere.

I was very pleased and proud of myself to begin swimming again, I had to document that! I have been swimming almost everyday, but decided not to draw my swimming togs everyday. These sketches were semi-planned. I knew what I wanted to draw. YOu may have noticed that my sketching style is often the “unfinished look”. This often means I do not sketch a complete object. You all know that these are swimming togs, and I don’t have to have the full object on the page. It also meant that I did not have to add lots of solid colour for the blue of the togs or the black of the swimming caps. I can let them fade away at the edges. If I focus in on an area, I can also include more detail, which I enjoy.

I also went into the city for my Booster shot. It was at the doctor’s surgery so there were not a lot of people waiting. This was in my 15-minute wait after the shot. I did not know how long the people would stay sitting until their names were called. I just grabbed a bright coloured pencil and sketched them. Once again, documenting a moment with a passing opportunity. I would have added more detail if they had stayed longer.

This sketch below was more thought out. I attended by Zoom (we are all working from home) farewell afternoon tea for a lovely colleague who is retiring. It was BYO coffee and cake. I could have drunk from my normal cup and eaten something ordinary. I knew that I wanted to use and draw this lovely plate and cup set which I recently bought. I also bought a beautiful sweet treat that looked lovely on the plate. (I don’t eat sweets, so I did not eat it. ). The afternoon tea was very special. I drew this in the evening. Once again, I have the unfinished look, but you get the idea. I call this a drawing and not a sketch, as it is more studied. I make up my own rules on this!

I hope that this has provided a little insight into what I sketch, how I sketch and why.

All using Faber Castell watercolour pencils. Let me know if you have any questions

Why do you sketch what you sketch? is there a theme?

2 thoughts on “recent sketches


    Excellent sketches of your last few days so varied and colourful. Interesting comments beneath each one. Well done.

  2. alissa Post author

    Thank you. I am glad you find it interesting, I hope to share my joy of sketching and watercolour pencils.
    I also want to show that anything is sketchable and that it does not have to be a finished piece. Making the most of opportunities is important.

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