Last weeks art blog was about preparing for this week’s Nature Sketching with Watercolour Pencil class. I was glad that I did all of the preparation, even though the actual examples were not used on the day. Melbourne has had unusual weather patterns. I woke up to a grey day and the weather moved between clear, drizzle and light rain.
I had a small but enthusiastic class and we had good fun. We started inside the wonderful Kere Kere Green Cafe in Fitzroy Gardens, learning about watercolour pencils. Below are some of my scribbles and explanations.
We then walked out into the Gardens (but not too far from the Cafe). We discussed deciding what to choose to draw, how and where to put those first marks on the page.

… and then it got cool and damp, so we headed back into the Cafe. I had a small selection of “nature objects” that I brought from home, just in case we got rained in. There were feathers, seashells, snails, and butterflies. We decided to end the class by drawing feathers that had a fluffy area at the end near the shaft. I discovered that it is called the ‘afterfeather’ and I love that!

It was a great day !
Once again you have passed on your joys of water colour pencil sketching, Good to see the park so lovely and green. Taking the feathers along for sketching was a great idea too.
Loved your workshop! Arrived not knowing where or how to begin. Left with the necessary skills and know how to continue with confidence and enthusiasm. You are a brilliant teacher! Thank you!!