MRBW Mon July 8 2019

Day four of Melbourne Rare Book Week. I attended four of the six events today – too many to choose from!

Gippsland Ephemera  Ephemera Society of Australia Inc.
Gippsland region of Eastern Victoria has a long history of diverse businesses, population and culture. Colin Silcock a Gippsland local, demonstrated how the area represented itself in brochures, business cards, posters, labels etc. Fascinating rare material which promoted tourism, businesses, community and sporting activities, schools and religions were on show. at The Mess Hall Royal Historical Society of Victoria

Innovations in Music 
The Grainger Museum
Heather Gaunt
The Grainger Museum preserves the legacy of renowned Australian composer Percy Grainger. Curator Heather Gaunt gave an engaging overview of the Museum, its fascinating history, thought-provoking collections and future aspirations. This informative talk also focused on the current major exhibition. How it plays: innovations in percussion

Second-hand or Rare? 
A tale of two private libraries
State Library Victoria

In 1923, the coveted private libraries of Robert Carl Sticht and Carlos Barron Lumsden were sold in Melbourne. One collection ended up on the shelves of the prestigious Hill of Content bookstore, the other at the second-hand stall of the Coles Book Arcade. Shane Carmody told the stories of the books and their previous owners and reflected on the twists of fate that turn second-hand books into something rare.

5 thoughts on “MRBW Mon July 8 2019

  1. lolasmith

    I agree with Valerie and once again you have excelled with your sketches, colour and comments.

  2. alissa Post author

    Thank you for joining along with me !I plan to write a daily blog with my sketches from Melbourne Rare Book Week. Then I will go back to weekly art blogposts.

  3. alissa Post author

    The talks are fascinating, as specialists in their field share their knowledge and passion with us. They go for about one hour and I find that they are explained at a layman’s level. They are always happy to answer questions too.

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