The medieval art of dying at State Library Victoria presented by Dr Anna Welch.
Medieval Christians were acutely aware of death, and spent much of their lives preparing for it. Through illuminated manuscripts and early printed works from the State Library collection,
Codex Sancti Paschalis , Franciscan missal from 1290. There was a small group of people for this talk and viewed some amazing rare books They were passed around the table on a display pillow.
We stood up around the table as the importance of these incredibly historic texts were explained to us.
And for something completely different ..
Vampires and Victorian eroticism
presented by Melbourne Library Service by Chris Browne
Everyone has heard of Dracula on the one hand and Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the other. But how did the idea of the vampire enter literature and popular culture? We were shown the development of vampire literature from its roots in folk myth through high and not so high art to popular culture in comic books, film and television. Chris explained the link between the horrific and the erotic in 19th century vampire literature has created the contemporary vampire that we all know. The event featured readings and film clips.
This is the poster that I drew for the event that was used in the program.
All sketches on location within the hour or 90 minutes of the talk. In Lamy Safari Joy ink pen and watercolour pencil .
Very cool. I would love to see the Franciscan missal, are the talks being recorded? Love the illuminated manuscripts. Lydia
Hi Lydia. The talks have been fascinating.- some even more than others. The missal was the subject of the thesis of presenter, DR Anna Welch.
As far as I am aware, none of the talks have been recorded.