Those of you who have followed this blog may be aware of my 2016 exhibition “You Can’t Draw in Books” as part of Melbourne Rare Book Week.
Initially I had an exhibition as part of Melbourne Rare Book Week in 2016, showing 45 books which then travelled to another library and a bookshop.
I am now selling the individual pages and books on my Etsy store .
I have just begun another exciting special project as a birthday gift. (Louise, if you are reading this – stop now , and don’t spoil the surprise). I was asked by a good friend to draw in 1909 recipe book that she had purchased. I have identified about 20 pages that have recipes which have attracted my attention for drawing potential. There are some very ‘of the time’
Below are six of my drawings on the recipes in watercolour pencil. The pages are a wonderful thickness and texture to draw on and I am have a wonderful time deciding which to draw on.
I am working on another four pages and identified another six recipes that have potential.
I have about four weeks to finish and it is on track for completion. I love a project !
Thank you ! I am having a great time with this project!
I am interested in doing a workshop…………….when is the next one?
This Saturday ! 10 am at East Melbourne Library is Travel Sketching with Watercolour Pencil class. See the links in the classes tab on my website for details and bookings.