drawing on envelopes

There are many sorts of “mail art” projects out there in the artworld.
Mine are my drawings that I do on the front of envelopes.  Most of them are for posting letters to my mother who lives interstate.
We are going to London and Barcelona in  11 weeks time. Here is the first of the “countdown envelopes” , posted this week. I am lucky to have few more weeks to go to will do this to keep up the excitement (as if that is needed!) .Maybe I will draw a red telephone box next week (do they still have them in London??)

I draw directly onto the envelope , using watercolour pencil or ink or both, the same as I use everyday in my sketchbook. The “heavier paper ” of the more expensive envelopes takes the watercolour better. When I use the everyday cheaper envelopes, I just make sure that I don’t add too much water so the envelope paper doesn’t buckle. And amazingly enough , they have all  survived the journey though the Australia Post system without the colour running .
They are a joy for me to draw, mostly because of the surprise that the person who receives them will get when they take it from their mailbox!
Of course, drawing on an envelope means that I will have also had the joy of writing a letter. I have a lovely fountain pen that I use. Unfortunately, my handwriting does not live up to the beauty of the pen.  However, it is the intention behind the letter that is important.
Before I post them in the mail, I scan them and put then on flickr (with the address blanked out) but have to wait until after the person has received it, otherwise the surprise is ruined.
Sometimes my drawings have a theme  . For example
In the lead up to a fun run that we were going on
To friends visiting Sydney
And sometimes the drawing has no reason at all..

beans from the markets

a magpie
to my nephew  – he had only just discovered how the postal system worked and was fascinated to get a letter just for him. He then posted me a letter (with Nana’s help)

And finally my special project  – SNAIL MAIL– to be printed and sold one day.

see all of my drawings on flickr

3 thoughts on “drawing on envelopes

  1. Art by Wiley

    Oh my gosh, these are absolutely stunning. I wish you were my correspondent! I can just imagine the thrill of receiving an envelope with one of those beautiful drawings on them. Such a lovely idea. And I love your snail mail series…can I put my name down for first purchase!?!

  2. Alissa Duke

    Thanks so much Jodi ! Isn’t REAL mail wonderful !

    and once I figure out how to get my snail envelopes printed and packaged and saleable I will let you know !!! ( I am not sure where to begin)

  3. stepskippause

    Wonderful idea and beautiful drawings. I’ll second Jodi, it would be fantastic to get something so special in the mail instead of the usual bills.

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