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MRBW launch

Melbourne Rare Book Week 2024 (MRBW) was launched on Thursday night at Tonic House! The participating partners were invited for drinks and conversation before a fascinating talk by Wallace Kirsop about the beginnings of his book life. It was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with MRBW from the past year, as well as others I see more often.

As the Official sketcher for MRBW I started with launch night.

AND here is the program – Have a look and book if in you are local or planning a visit. Some events have limited seating depending on the size of the organisation and building it is in, so you might want to book in and put it into your calendar now!

All events are free. Have a browse through the program. It is not all about expensive, high-end collectables, but also the sharing of stories behind the books in interesting collections of organisations and individuals.

MRBW runs 18-27 July and it is a very special one as it is the 10th year. The culminating event of MRBW is always the Australian Antiquarian Book Fair, presented by The Australian and New Zealand Association of Antiquarian Booksellers (ANZAAB).

There are many more events this year, so many that I can’t sketch at them all, and will have to make some decisions about what I can get to. Most events are in Melbourne CBD, but some are a few suburbs away, a few even further afield. I take the week off work and document each event. sketching on location. The talks usually go for 45 minutes to one hour. In most cases, it involves people sitting and listening. I sit in the back row and sketch – sometimes the people in front of me are the feature and sometimes the building itself.

I am honored that my sketches from previous years feature on the bookmark this year and throughout the program. It is lovely to have a printed program. They are available throughout Melbourne at the partner organisations who are hosting events, and also in coffee shops and other places. Just contact me, if you would like one.

I am also giving a talk, (which I will not be sketching at) on “The Oldest Book in the Supreme Court Library: Statham’s Abridgement (1491) and its place in law reporting today”.

I have been sketching at MRBW since I moved to Melbourne and have been the official sketcher since 2015. I value the friendships I have made through this event and the connections and reconnections that I make every year.

I hope to see you there. Please introduce yourself if you are there and see me sketching.

Sketching in the park

I was not sure what I was going to write about this week, Hoerver a few hours in the beautiful Autumnal Melbourne weather produced a few sketches that encompassed the day.

Each sketch is just an impression of the moment, but together they capture the time I spent there.

I sketched the tree, which I later found out is a pin oak. I took a leaf home and drew it later, I like the combination of a sketch and more detail of part of the subject,

There was an intense blue sky and the tree tops shapes were clearly defined.

I have sketched magpies before. I know they don’t mind if you get close, but won’t necessarily stay around for long. I can follow them around, I start with their beak and head. I have to closely observe which feathers are white, blank or grey, Getting the eye in position is important, My wonderful watercolour pencils allow me to capture the shape and body in linework and add water to the pencil on the page to get the black colour, I decided not to add water to the whole page. My style is the unfinished look.

and then it got chilly and I headed home,

sketching class catchup

On Saturday morning I had a catchup with sketchers who had attended one of my Travel Sketching with Watercolour Pencil classes in the past.

Annette, Cath, Soraya, Robyn & I met at Kere Kere Cafe in Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne. I am fortunate to be able to book the Community Table for this catchup.

It was an opportunity to talk art, ask questions, play with watercolour pencils for two hours. Everyone (including me) walked away motivated and inspired. They had either been travelling and could share their experinces, or were planning to travel, and could get ideas. I had a great time with these lovely sketchers!

I brought along all of my green Faber Castell Watercolour Pencils for everyone to play with. There are 20 green colours ! I collected some leaves aong the way.

It is good to know the range of colours available to be able to decide which ones suit what and where you sketch. We talked about the different colours you would use in different countries or even areas of Australia!

I carry four in my daily sketchkit.

  • Earth Green
  • Grass green
  • Pine Green
  • Chrome Green Oxide

Which greens do you use?

Happy sketching everyone !

Cleaning the house sketches

On Saturday I spent the day house cleaning for my six-monthly apartment inspection by the Property Manager. The heavy duty cleaning products came out.

At the end of the day, I sat down and relaxed.And sketched. Anything is sketchable !

I remembered to take work in progress photos.

I did not spend a lot of time on this. It is just a sketch to capture the moment on the page. I was attracted to sketch these because of their bright colours.

I could have spent a lot of time on this, but it was a quick sketch,

The drawing below was also created with watercolour pencils. It was a long studied drawing, I love the detail watercolour pencils can produce.

sketching Autumn leaves video

Today I filmed myself sketching some Autumn leaves with my watercolour pencils.

There are two videos. The first is the sketch and the second is showing examples of adding water to the colours used in the sketch.

Apologies, I have tried so many ways to turn this video around and have not have not been able to this on the website.

The Faber Castell Watercolour pencils I used were:

  • Grass Green
  • Chrome Green Oxide
  • Burnt Ochre
  • Deep Red
  • Magenta
  • Orange Glaze
  • Light Chrome Yellow
  • Burnt Umber

The second video shows how I the colour spreads across the page when water is added.

Please let me know if you have any questions about using watercolour pencils or what else I could show in a sketch.

Happy sketching

Seed bank drawings

I am very happy and excited to be involved with a project at my local library: the East Melbourne Community Seed Library project.

It is part of a work in progress to establish a free seed library at East Melbourne Library.

What is a seed library?

The East Melbourne Community Seed Library aims to build food resilience and promote sustainable gardens by sharing seeds to encourage the community to grow their own produce.

Collect (Borrow) Seeds
There is a call for locals to Join a growing community who grow and share seeds by visiting the East Melbourne Library Seed Library. Residents will be able to collect seeds for their own garden and return seeds to contribute seeds to the Seed Library for others.

Local ? Help us to grow our Seed Library by harvesting seeds and donating them back to the library!

What am I doing?

I am drawing the images of the plant of the seeds in the packets. These will be on the front of each seed packet. I completed two and the Librarian was very pleased with the results and then provided a list of the other seeds they have.

Over the Easter long weekend, I spent time on these drawings.

Below are in various stages of completion. I am drawing two on each A4 watercolour page.

It is lovely to be able to share a commission. I have two other commissions this year that I will be able to share once they are made public by the organisations involved.

Chat to the East Melbourne Library emelcirc(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) and phone 9658 9600 for any enquiries.

Happy Easter

Each year I have a tradition of sketching my Easter Hot Cross Bun,

This year is no different. This hot cross bun was given to me and was just perfect to draw and then eat!

I also sketched some nests, eggs and a bunny.

It is just a quick blog this week as I am spending the weekend working on a commission which I will share next week. It involves a lot of greens!

Please let me know if you have any questions about watercolour pencils or my sketches. I have lots of practical hints and tips on my blog, some are gathered here together.

I have classes too. see here.

Happy Easter and happy sketching.

Clunes 2024

Below are photos of my stall at Clunes Booktown Festival this weekend. I have arrived home and unpacked. Now putting my feet up.It was a wonderful weekend, meeting some lovely people. Thanks to everyone who dropped by to say hello and purchased my books or cards. I had some great conversations and met some lovely stallholders too. .

A big thank you to my good friend Louise who assisted once again all weekend and to Adam and Michaela who provided flew down from Queensland to wine and dine us and drive us around. All have signed up for next year! They also bought lots of books.

All books that did not sell on the day will be available on my ETSY website in the next few days.

Thanks Clunes and everyone for a wonderful weekend.

This week’s sketches and Clunes prep

A few sketches this week. A wonderful on location event to sketch at the Melbourne Athenaeum Library for Melbourne Rare Book Week. The inaugural Gary Morgan Oration by Andrew May on Mwelbourne Inc “Little laws and the shaping of a frontier town.”

some sketches from the week. Some quick sketches in ink only. Others are longer sketches with watercolour pencils.

Most of my spare time has been the final preparations for next Sat/Sun Clunes Book Town Festival. I have four very heavy suitcases full of my drawn-in books, book and library-themed greeting cards, signs etc.

This is a major event in my year.

Clunes Booktown Festival. outside of Melbourne. is a book lover’s paradise. For a whole weekend, the main street is taken over by second hand book seller stalls There is also. newly published authors, readings, panel discussions and entertainment.

If you are coming drop by and say hello to me. I am in the old Bluestone Building.

There won’t be a blog next week as I will be at Clunes.

Happy sketching everyone.

watermelon again

Yesterday I drew my watermelon, think it would be a great idea for a blog post. I wrote some notes on the pages, and then realised I had done this before, in 2023. I have reposted those step-by-step drawings.

The only difference is one change in colour. Yesterday I used Deep Red, previously it was Alizaron Crimson. This was not a specific decision. I just happened to have changed colours in my daily sketch kit. You can see the difference. It’s subtle, but there is one.

I also added Cream , as there was a yellowishness to some of the rind. The whole scan it a bit more yellow than the drawing. In the juicy part next to the rind is a light green, not yellow as seen here.

Step One

Waterbrush and the three watercolour pencil colours used . Alizaron Crimson, Pine Green and Grass Green

Draw the watermelon shape and outline directly with the watercolour pencil colour that is going to be used. The watermelon is red the skin is green.

Heavily and roughly add colour in the areas of of the watermelon that are darkest.

Step Three

Using the waterbrush, rest it in the coloured areas and pull the colour across the page. This adds a lighter colour to areas of the page.

Step Four

Wait to dry, then add more colour in some areas to give depth and texture, Dabbling the watercolour brush on areas of colour can give, texture, and remove any hard lines.
Add hard lines with a sharpened watercolour pencil along some of the skin and just some of the darkened areas of the watermelon.