A few sketches this week. A wonderful on location event to sketch at the Melbourne Athenaeum Library for Melbourne Rare Book Week. The inaugural Gary Morgan Oration by Andrew May on Mwelbourne Inc “Little laws and the shaping of a frontier town.”

some sketches from the week. Some quick sketches in ink only. Others are longer sketches with watercolour pencils.

Most of my spare time has been the final preparations for next Sat/Sun Clunes Book Town Festival. I have four very heavy suitcases full of my drawn-in books, book and library-themed greeting cards, signs etc.
This is a major event in my year.
Clunes Booktown Festival. outside of Melbourne. is a book lover’s paradise. For a whole weekend, the main street is taken over by second hand book seller stalls There is also. newly published authors, readings, panel discussions and entertainment.
If you are coming drop by and say hello to me. I am in the old Bluestone Building.

There won’t be a blog next week as I will be at Clunes.
Happy sketching everyone.