Clunes Booktown Festival was the focus of my art world for the last few months. Like any event, there are always the post-event things to do. So now my suitcases are unpacked, and unsold books are on my shelves and will be gradually added to my ETSY site to purchase online.
I am working on two commissions in and have not been sketching as much this week. They are both in Draft and have been sent to the people to approve or suggest any changes.
I have returned to my normal sketching. There is a variety here of my sketches. Some are on location, some quick and others more studied.

sketching my breakfast . Vegemite on toast again. Yes, i have sketched this before. Reasons to sketch the same object/scene again: it is relaxing to sketch something familiar, as i don’t have to think as hard. Practice is always good. any sketch is better than no sketch. It is fun !

I had ten minutes to spare before the Library opened for my travel sketching class at East Melbourne Library.

Sketching my boot at my Travel Sketching with Watercolour Pencil class on Saturday. sometimes when travelling you have great plans for a day, and due to the weather, end up staying in your hotel longer than expected. OR like us, staying in Melbourne Library instead of going for a sketch walk. Sketching your shoes when travelling is a good idea. by the end of your holiday you will know them well and either love them or hate them.
Last class until the next session in May and June. watch this space for details !

Clunes Booktown Festival has filled my creative mind and time over the past months. I now have to change focus as I leave in TWO WEEKS to fly to Auckland, New Zealand to attend International Sketching Symposium. Three days of Workshops and hundreds of sketchers from around the world. I am now in New Zealand mode with the old souvenir kiwi.