This is just a short blog this week.
I often sketch food. It is there, I am used to drawing it and enjoy it.
Most of the time it is the meal I am eating. or perhaps not eating, as it goes cold in front of me. Sometimes these are more studied, depending on the time I have and how hungry I am.
Other food sketches are when I am out with friends. They are often a quick sketch and are all about capturing the moment and occasion on the page. It doesn’t matter how detailed, it is more about being there. I can look back at the page in years to come and it will bring back memories of the occasion.
This is a drawing after an event. I brought home a few of the leftover quiche slices I took to a lunch on Sunday. I could write a very long philosophical and contemplative page about how important these lunches are. But not today.

And if you are interested, here are the colours:
FaberCastell Albrecht Durer watercolour pencils
- Ivory – I use this all the time
- Creme – a newish discovery that I am using more
- Light yellow glaze – I could have used one of a few yellows from the range here
- Orange glaze – in my kit!
- Burnt ochre – I use this a lot
- Brown ochre – useful colour, not too yellow
- Walnut brown – in my kit
- Pine green – I used this for the bit of green in the quiche
- Payne’s grey – shadows
- Caput mortuum – a red-y brown – very useful for all sorts of things. This was for the pepper in the quiche

I had to laugh, you and I should compare notes by putting our pencils side by side. I too have lots of stubby ones! I haven’t tried the cream colour as yet. My go to grey is Cool Grey VI and Dark Sepia also gets a hammering.
I enjoyed your sketches as always but want to say thank you for including coloured pencils used and where.
You make drawing the everyday life is so interesting.
Oh yes – Dark Sepia is a favorite – It has so many uses. I am amazed they have so many Greys , but so few colours between Ivory and the yellows.
We WILL sketch together again one day.
Thank you !!