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Weekend in Kyneton


12jul15 kyneton

A friend & I visited Kyneton for a long talked about long weekend. Kyneton is a thriving country  town 85 km from Melbourne in Central Victoria and is just over an hour by train. It has become renowned as a country destination for good food. It has Art galleries  and lovely shops for home furnishings, craft, books, nurseries, gifts, food, wine and clothes.

These are my drawings from the weekend.


I started in my sketchbook the night before, drawing a map of the area and listing the train stops along the way. Then I sketched at Southern Cross Station.
Our cottage was newly renovated, stylish and also cosy and warm on a chilly weekend.


I sketched inside and out.



Exploring Kyneton


Kyneton Museum

Unlike a majority of towns in the area, Kyneton predates the Victorian Gold Rush  having been established in 1850, and gold rushes started the year after that. Some of the finest Bluestone buildings to be found in Victoria are a main feature of the town and date back to the Gold Rush era when Kyneton was a major supply town for the diggings.


Food from the farmers markets

The food at the farmers markets. Delicious to look at and draw. The stallholders were delightful to talk to and we had some lovely conversations. A place to return to.

Why drawing makes me happy

Drawing makes me happy

I have been thinking about why drawing makes me happy, without getting too philosophical, and I have tried to put it in words. This proved more difficult than I thought, so this is a longer blogpost than I imagined.

I have been drawing on and off (mainly off) all of my life. About ten years ago I started drawing almost daily, then I began carrying a Moleskine watercolour sketchbook, my Watercolour pencils and Lamy Safari Joy ink pen with me everywhere. Now, drawing is a part of me and my life. It is not a hobby or pastime, but part of what makes me – me. This realisation came when I was very ill about four years ago and had (successful) brain surgery. I was asking for my pencils and sketchbook in intensive care a few days after the operation and then sketched constantly in hospital over the following months. See all my drawings from my medical adventure here


operation on the evening of 30 March 2011. This was sketched in ICU on 6 April 2011

Now, I draw everyday, a quick sketch capturing a passing moment or a longer drawing over a few days or nights. If I don’t put pencil to paper for a few days I get itching for it – looking at people or scenes and visualising how I would capture it on paper – what would I include, what features to emphasize or which colours I would choose.

When I draw I am happy. I switch off from everything else in life, time stops, peacefulness reigns, there is freedom and fluidity. I try and draw in my lunchtime at work. When I make that time, I sit in the library shelves where I work and draw the books. For that half an hour, although I am at work, I do not think about deadlines, goals or things to do lists.

24Apr15  Library books

I read a quote from happiness guru Csíkszentmihályi describing this as FLOW, which is “being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one… Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.”

It has taken years to find my own drawing style and become comfortable with it (although I am still learning constantly). I feel as though I have finally found something that I am good at. I have accumulated skills and learning through years of practice. Sometimes my pencil moves confidently and smoothly over the page, other times tentative and exploratory. But I am always enjoying it as I work and explore within my comfort zone on the paper.

As I draw I am subconsciously thinking about the drawing, its proportions, what colours will work on the page. I am visualising how something may turn out. However, they are not thoughts I have to think too hard about – ah well, except proportions and perspective – that requires a bit more thought. The finished result may meet my original idea, or may not, but still exceed my expectations. In photos of me drawing, you would not think I am happy – hunched over, furrowed brow, intense expression- but honesty I am!!


There have been a few times when I have become very emotional and almost bought to tears at the thought of how much joy I experience and how fortunate I am to be able to draw. They were moments of an unexpected upswelling of joy. Below is one of those times. I was sketching on my own in the streets of Barcelona, after the Urban Sketching Symposium in 2013 on a Sunday morning, surrounded by the everyday happenings of peoples lives.


Barcelona July 2013 after the Urban Sketchers Symposium. Sketching on my own

There is so much more to write about drawing and happiness . Especially the concept that when drawing you are not only looking but observing what you see everyday as you never have before . But this is the subject of another blog another day…

I shall finish on David Hockney quoting an old Chinese saying “Drawing needs three things, the heart, the hand and the eye, two won’t do.”

My snail mail in Uppercase & on Etsy

I am absolutely over the moon to have two small art submissions published in the current JULY issue of one of my absolutely favourite publications, UPPERCASE: magazine for the creative and curious. I have admired and read this inspirational quarterly magazine for a few years. It is described as having “A playful exploration of creativity, an affinity for vintage ephemera, and a love of typography” And it is a PRINT magazine (although it is more like a book), with high production values, attention to detail and fascinating articles.


Canadian creator, publisher, editor and designer Janine Vangool spoke recently in Melbourne and I heard the history of her creative journey.  I realised that she practically produces the magazine on her own, which makes it all the more amazing.

So when I received emails from Uppercase that they were “happy to say that your work was selected for UPPERCASE issue 26, out in July! Congratulations and thank you for sending in such a fine submission” I could not believe it. I looked at my inbox again and again to see it was true. I am honored to be accepted in such fine company!  The drawings are only a small part of the issue, but they are all mine and I am so happy.

My submissions were for the STAMPS themed issue of Uppercase. Both submissions were inspired  by projects I did about three years ago for an art competition, but are deep rooted in my drawing style and interests.


My first drawing project is on p 11 of Uppercase: SNAIL MAIL ENVELOPES

I played with the concept of “snail mail” and had a wonderful time drawing snails on envelopes and then posting one to Uppercase ! After submitting and being accepted by Uppercase I decided to share my snail mail art more widely. I have printed my drawings of snails on envelopes and they are now available on my Etsy shop. They are printed on standard C6 envelopes available in a set of five designs or individually . Have a look and you can purchase some to send your own snail mail.



My second drawing project is on p 59 of Uppercase: MAIL PARCEL

Me and my air mail parcel. April 2012

Like many children I collected stamps. I also collected postage marks and airmail stamps, tearing them off the envelopes and putting them in my stamp album. I still have these and drew them all over a parcel with watercolour pencils (and white gel pen) and wrapped a box in it and tied it up with string. I am working on another similar project now (watch this space). I also would love to see it printed as wrapping paper one day.

airmail parcel1
Now that I have tweaked your curiosity, you can buy Uppercase at these Stockists internationally or Subscribe to this amazing inspirational publication.

What are your memories of stamp collecting?

New cards on Etsy

I am very excited to announce a new set of eight Greeting Cards on my Etsy shop featuring my feather and nest drawings. I have had a busy and productive day today putting the images online.

These follow on from my first venture of Library books and shelves Greeting Cards that were printed in March.

all cards for log

Those who know me will be well aware of how much I enjoy drawing feathers and nests. I am continually amazed by the delicacy, fragility and strength of nature. I love to try and capture the patterns and colours of feathers and the complexity and intricacy of nests. I have chosen eight drawings that I hope convey this. They are printed on cream 300 gsm card and come with a cream envelope  and are beautiful to send with (or as) gift or to keep and frame for yourself!

Printing these cards provides me with an opportunity to share my love of drawing and nature.ibistwo7

This adventure into the world of greeting cards has been exciting and challenging. I am on a learning curve about printing, websites, Etsy and marketing.

Please visit my Etsy Shop to view my drawings on my Greeting cards and spread the word.



Dr Sketchy’s .. something different

Those who know me will know I love to draw feathers, food and objects with my watercolour pencils.

1Apr15  bunny3

1May15 EDiM a favourite food





This week shows a different side of my sketching . I went to Dr Sketchys Anti-Art School – described as  “The world’s premier alternative drawing movement. Whether you’re an artstar or a scribbling newbie, Dr. Sketchys is the perfect place to get your fill of drawing fun. Come sketch glamorous underground performers, listen to good tunes, and drink great cocktails.”

Basically Burlesque Life drawing
dr sketchys4
One Hostess, one DJ a fabulous model who had two fantastic costumes and 12 poses

dr sketchys6

The costumes started off very elaborate and were stripped down to not much at all.
dr sketchys1We sat in the third row and could not always see the models entire body – so I got to practice drawing her face.
dr sketchys2
dr sketchys3
Dr Sketchy’s is in cities around the world – basically Burlesque dancer who poses for sketching, great DJ and great atmosphere.

I have only been to one before and now after nine years the Melbourne Dr sketchy’s  is closing down and only have two more events.

The Model/dancer stays in a pose for one or two songs – so 3 to 6 mins. Quick thinking and sketching  is required.

Here is my sketch of the crowd as we eagerly waited for curtain to open and the event to begin..

31May15 Dr Sketchys


My drawing projects this week

Here is a little review of the variety of drawing projects that I have been doing in my out of work hours this week.

Of course Everyday in May continues.


19May draw a cupcake

I wrote about this drawing challenge last week, and here is one of this week’s sketches. See all my Everyday in May drawings.   I really enjoy this project, but it is a little exhausting and I will be glad when is May over and I can redirect that creativity and time to many other drawing projects.

19May15 book sketch
This week I have been drawing another old book at work. I initially sketched the book as it sat on the shelf over two lunch breaks (above) . I felt that something was not quite right and asked for feedback from my friends on the Artists Journal Workshop facebook group. A few suggestions were put forward which I have incorporated as I draw the final version on a loose sheet of paper. This is how I will spend some of my day today (Sunday) . The final drawing  may become part of  another set of book themed Greeting cards – to sell alongside of my drawings of old library books and shelves on my Etsy shop.

Which leads me to hint of my other project this week. A new set of Greetings cards, based on my feather and nests drawings are at the printer and will be for sale in the next few weeks Subscribe to this blog to find out about it when it happens!

And last but definitely not least is my everyday sketching – capturing moments in my life. All of my drawing are on my flickr page


21 May15 tram

Everyday in May 2015

1May15 EDiM a favourite food

What is Everyday in May ?
Start on 1st May and draw one item on the list (see below) every day in May until you finish on 31st May with number 31. Our sketches and paintings are added to the  flickr or facebook group  .A great fun community of EDiM sketchers has grown.


Sometimes I spend only a few scribbled moments on a sketch and other times a longer drawing (usually done with the tv on in the background) . The fun part is choosing how to interpret the theme and see what other people do !

Here are a few from the first half of the month  See all of my drawings in this years May challenge

2May15 EDiM a nearby treee 4May15 a spice 4May15 EDiM something hot 5May15 something to throw away 7May15 envelope 9May15 switch on and off 11May15 draw headgear 12May15 stairs 14May15 something i use everyday

I have participated in

Everyday in May 2013

Everyday in May 2012

Everyday in May 2010

and Everyday in May 2009

Why do I do it?

I love a project and a goal. I like to see other interpretations on a theme and see other people’s creativity and styles. AND I like to see what my mother does each day for the challenge and to see her art and confidence grow as she posts to the flickr group. .

Keep checking out my flickr site to see what I draw up to 31st May !

Old library books

A few weeks ago I showed this drawing as a work in progress and asked for advice on its composition. I received some very useful feedback.

books in frame

I have now completed the drawing. I decided to lean the books on each side and also have unfinished, disappearing edges. This is a style that I feel comfortable with.

24Apr15  Library books
Above is scan of the  finished drawing, on A4 paper with watercolour pencils. Read about the colours used in my last blogpost

The books are Dowling and Ryland’s MagistratesCases (1822-1827) an English Law Reports series.


I am going to keep the drawing in this frame on the wall so that I look at it everyday and notice subtle differences that I can make. It may be making some colours darker, increasing some shadow, or adding a line underneath to indicate a book shelf.

At a later stage I plan to create another set of Greeting Cards to add to my current set of eight Library and book cards in my Brand New Etsy Site
Now that the Winter months are here in Melbourne, I will be spending my lunch hours in the library I work in, drawing more books…..

sketching with Erin Hill’s class

Today I was invited to join my Sydney friend Erin Hill at a Sketching Class she was holding in Melbourne. It was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with her after my first eight months in Melbourne, as well as meet a lovely group of Melbourne sketchers. It is always inspirational to chat with people in Erin’s classes as they are all so motivated to sketch and days like today are often the starting point of something fantastic for them.
25Apr15 page 1
25Apr15 page 2

I started the day with my usual journaling in my sketchbook. These were sketched in moments when I had the opportunity : while waiting for the train and then while waiting for the Sketch class to assemble.







Most of the day I drew in my own style, but later in the morning I joined in the class with their ink pen and watercolour pencil experiments.

25Apr15 page 3

25Apr15 page 4

25Apr15 page 7

25Apr15 page 5

25Apr15 page 8

Walking home in the rain from the train station. Local football fans were also walking home. They had been outside all day, while I was cosy and dry inside with my new sketching friends

books – work in progress

This is about a drawing I am currently creating. (I don’t like to use the term “working on” because it is not work at all).

This week I have been drawing in my lunch breaks. I usually draw for about half an hour. This is the result at the end of the third day.

17Apr15 books wip closeup

I took my watercolour pencils and A4 size University paper (I believe it is produced by St Cuthberts Mill in the UK). I sat at a table next to these law reports and started drawing. These are at eye level and all the shelves are full of books. On the shelf there are books either side of these and they are neatly and tightly shelved.


I did not really think before I started drawing and now I have some decisions to make. I thought I would share my options with you now and would love to hear any suggestions anyone has.

  • How many more books to draw?
  • 17Apr15 books wip1

    Current drawing on A4 page

    I only have a limited space on the paper to use. This is what is looks like on the A4 page.  I have photocopied the drawing and experimented with HB pencil for potential composition. I realised one of my first ideas would not work as I did not have room on the page to draw a few books lying down on the right side, stacked up.

    I have the options of adding more books of different heights and thicknesses and/or have some books leaning.

    19Apr15 test

    I could try this

    19Apr15 test1

    Or this, or a combination

    • How to finish the sides – I have the choice of fading the colour and lines at the edges  to have an unfinished look  OR finishing each  book and having solid colour to the edge of each book.
    • How to finish top – The books are on shelves and the books disappear into darkness of the shelf. I don’t want this is dominate the page.
    • How to finish the bottom – The books are sitting on shelves. Do I finish at the base of the book or include the shelf line.

    I am looking forward to any suggestions and will share the completed drawing when I have finished it!



    19Apr15 colours

    These are the colours I am using. There are 120 watercolour pencils in the Faber Castell range. I carry and use 26 colours in my pencil wrap and they suit me perfectly. I can usually create the colours I need by blending. This is done on the page or off the tip of the two pencils on the waterbrush.

    The pigments can be completely dissolved, and will then behave similar to watercolour paints. The paint becomes permanent when dry, enabling other layers of colour to be built up without causing it to dissolve again. Or they can sharpened to a fine tip. Great for broad brushstrokes or finer detail.

    However I have to keep remembering to sharpen my pencil. They get blunt very easily when using the waterbrush to take the colour off the tip of the pencil.

    I build up the colour gradually. However, as you can see, I also draw in darker areas early as it gives me a sense of where I am going and what the drawing is going to look like when complete.

    Here is a previous work in progress library drawing
    and other book and library drawings, some of which you can purchase on my Etsy shop