I have now completed the drawing. I decided to lean the books on each side and also have unfinished, disappearing edges. This is a style that I feel comfortable with.
Above is scan of the finished drawing, on A4 paper with watercolour pencils. Read about the colours used in my last blogpost
The books are Dowling and Ryland’s Magistrates‘ Cases (1822-
I am going to keep the drawing in this frame on the wall so that I look at it everyday and notice subtle differences that I can make. It may be making some colours darker, increasing some shadow, or adding a line underneath to indicate a book shelf.
At a later stage I plan to create another set of Greeting Cards to add to my current set of eight Library and book cards in my Brand New Etsy Site
Now that the Winter months are here in Melbourne, I will be spending my lunch hours in the library I work in, drawing more books…..
Alissa it’s great to see the final work. Well done!