I am going on Annual Leave tomorrow for six weeks in England.
This week’s blog post will be the last until I return in October!
I am taking four sketchbooks and my sketchkit and some spare watercolour pencils . Below are some of my sketches in preparation. I will be sketching ALL THE TIME and posting to Instagram daily (alissaduke1).

Below are my outfits for Goodwood Revival Historic Motor Racing Festival. Three days of car racing from 1940’s-1960s . Everyone who attends dresses in outfits of the day. HERE are my sketches from 2018.

I will have so much to share when I return. Also lots of exciting plans and classes planned for the rest of 2024 !
Happy sketching
I’m looking forward to following your trip! I got back from 6 weeks in England and Scotland last month, including a watercolor workshop in the Cotswolds. I love it over there.
Have a brilliant holiday.
Thank you Robyn. I have just arrived home after a wonderful six weeks of sketching in England. It was am amazing experiece and I will share some of it here over the next weeks. It will take me a while to to scan all the pages. I still need to add a few notes to some pages and finish some off. I completed almost four sketchbooks.
Thank you ! That would have been am amzing experience. You will be able to relate to some of my sketches. It was very special to be able to take time and sit and observe and sketch. Sometimes it was only a few minutes and othertimmes I really just lost track of time.