Next Saturday I am holding two, two-hour classes at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.”Nature Sketching with Watercolour Pencil”.
It has been organised by their Friends Group. I visited to look at the garden around the Plant Cottage, where they hold the classes. I have held classes in Summer and Autumn, and this is my first Winter class. We were fortunate to be able to sit in the courtyard outside for the last two Seasons.
These next events will be indoors, no matter how sunny it is There is still a chill in the air and a bit of rain.
I also looked around the garden surrounding the cottage to see what was in bloom. There was more colour than I thought! I will bring some leaves and gumnuts inside to sketch. I also have permission to cut some flowers. There are 10 students around two tables, so I will spread out what I collect.

The class is for anyone who is interested in looking at nature and getting some pencil marks down on the page. Watercolour pencils are such fun to play with.

All of the above sketches were mainly done on location, until the rain got heavier. I completed them at home. I started this sketch from a photo and will finish it before next week’s class.