It is that time of the year when many people are baking special treats or meals.
Those of you who know me know that I do not enjoy cooking (I can cook!). However, I love to draw food. Instead of drawing food that has already been prepared, sometimes I have drawn the ingredients of a meal or a recipe for baking.
All with watercolour pencil , of course.

I use the word “drawing” instead of “sketching”. This is a self-imposed description I have. A drawing is more studied and a sketch is more impression of a moment. However, they are interchangeable!

The drawing does not have to be done when the cooking is actually taking place. Perhaps when preparing or gathering ingredients on the bench. I sometimes sketch ingredients while my host is cooking and we chat. Or you could give the recipe with the baked treat as a present.

Things to think about:
- where you place things on the page.
- you have control over the individual ingredients, which ones you choose to draw, and what to leave out. Some things are just not as interesting on the page!\
- do you write the recipe as well as the ingredients for someone else to be able to cook it.

I hope this inspires you to pick up a pencil and sketch a recipe. Let me know how you go !