My blog posts usually show my sketching at an event that has happened.
This week I am planning for my Nature Sketching with Watercolour Pencil class next Saturday 14 October at Dromkeen homestead, just outside of Melbourne. As I write, there are still places left if you are nearby and would like to attend.
I last taught this class there in 2019 so I am reviewing my notes. The class will begin the same as my Travel Sketching with Watercolour Pencil classes. I explain the gear and then we scribble with the colours and see what happens to the colour on the page when the waterbrush is used on it.
My classes are all about looking and observing the world around you. And making/taking opportunities to make marks on the page.
If the weather permits we will go outside and look at some big picture sketching and then up closer. If the weather changes again in Melbourne, I will bring the outdoors inside, with collections of nature objects from around the grounds of Dromkeen. I will decide on the day. When I arrive I will take a walk around the property and see what os happening with the trees and plants. It is officially Spring here, but the weather has been strange, so the plants don;t know what to think.
Built in 1889, Dromkeen was once the country estate of Judge Arthur Chomley and later became home to the world-famous Dromkeen Picture Book Art Collection.
Now a privtae home it is nestled in the Macedon Ranges at Riddell’s Creek. Dromkeen is a National Trust home with gardens with a range of Australian native and European plants, a gazebo and sometimes two resident peacocks. Guests to Dromkeen are able to visit the Tea Room and browse in the galleries.
Here are some sketches from my previous visits.

Below are some of the Nature sketching books from my bookshelves.
The frst photo is some books that are for practical instruciton and inspiration.

Some more books from my bookshelves. Diaries and narture journalling. More inspiration.

And my newest addition received a few days ago as a birthday gift, along with some magnificent feathers from Woody the Rooster.

I am putting together my sketchkits that can be purchased by peopple attending my class. It will include a “Nature Sketching Hints and Tips” pGE.

This is a wonderful post, Alissa! Of course your sketching and watercolor pencil work is excellent; always descriptive enough to give me a sense of being on site with you. Thanks for sharing techniques and strategies in prepping for your classes, along with the time it took to sketch your pieces. I can’t imagine creating the buildings in only 15 minutes! I’m thinking about your fickle spring and if plants aren’t “prepared” to be sketched at the time of your class, how you’ll easily adapt by bringing the outside inside! And finally your references! Really appreciate you sharing the titles; some new to me. Could you let me know the author of a new addition …. Bird Book? The cover with the corvid sketch looks so inviting. Happy belated birthday too! Have a great class!
HI Barb. The author of Bird Book are Caren Lockhart and Adrian Lockhart. I found it at our local community book swap. It is lovely and fun if you can find it, Poems and illustrations – Australian. It is Thursday and the weather is foul. 15 degrees, rain and wind. I will arrive at Dromkeen and wander around the grounds, picking up leaves, twigs, peacock feathers (if they are still there) , nuts, and anything else interesting I find on the ground. There are also a few large windows where we can sit inside an look out at trees, bushes and lawn.