Melbourne Rare Book Week (MRBW) has begun. It is a Melbourne-wide program of free talks and events that celebrate the importance of books and literature in life. It was been running since 2012 and this is the first MRBW after a three-year break due to Covid. It culminates in the Melbourne Rare Book Fair, which is in its 51st year.
I am the official ‘sketcher on location’ st MRBW. I attend all events and document them in my sketches. I usually sit at the back of the room and capture the moment with my ink pen and watercolour pencils on the page! I have been honoured to be involved and have been doing this for the last few years.
The first event for MRBW was on Friday 21 July 2023
The Fencer’s Manual : The mystery surrounding the first commercially published book in Melbourne
Speaker: Andrew Lemon AM FRHSV
Historian Andrew Lemon revisits his research into the extraordinary story of the very first commercial book, published in 1859 by Clarson, Shallard and Co. (later Clarson, Massina and Co.), successors to the firm Slater, Williams and Hodgins, printers in Melbourne since the end of the La Trobe era. Who was Robert Meikle, the mystery author of the very rare The Fencer’s Manual? And while the Massina name continued in the publishing world, what led to the tragic demise of his one-time business partner and eminent horticulturalist, William Clarson?

The night began with drinks and conversation, before taking our seats.

Saturday 22 July 2023
Charting the Heavens : The Transit of Venus, James Cook and Astronomy
Speaker: Shane Carmody
Found in the archives of State Library Victoria’s collections is a tiny, portable celestial globe. Once owned by Captain James Cook, it is an extraordinary artefact that reminds us of the Endeavour’s initial purpose: the pursuit of scientific discovery. Historian and author Shane Carmody, will talk on the voyage of the Endeavour, how astronomical books and tools were used and their role in the international effort to chart the Transit of Venus and establish accurate longitude. There will be the chance to see rare astronomical books and artefacts from the Collection.

After the talk, we were invited to view this amazing collection and ask questions.

Sunday 23 July 2023
From Folio to Fopdoodle: Exploring some of the curiosities of Samuel Johnson’s famous Dictionary
Speaker: John Byrne
The publication of Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language in 1755 was a sensation in England and Europe. It heralded the birth of modern lexicography, and it was 150 years before it was superseded by the Oxford English Dictionary. Johnson’s Dictionary first appeared in two majestic folio volumes, which were soon followed by quarto, octavo and miniature editions. John Byrne has assembled one of the finest privately held Johnsonian collections in the world. He will display copies from his collection and discuss why and how this great work is still important to us today.

I am looking forward to a week of talks. It started off slowly with one event a day. During this week there are up to four events a day, including one of my own. I am presenting “You Can’t Draw in Books?” on Monday night. I draw in books that are about to the discarded – the opposite end of the Rare Book scale. I will blog about all of the events next week. You can also follow my daily sketches on Instagram alissaduke1
Booking and details are here