I write a blog post at this time each year looking back at what I have done during the previous year with my art. I have found this is a very useful way of realising how much I have accomplished in a year, as I usually forget about some events or do not realise how productive I have been. It is a good reality check for me.
This past year of course was different, as with everyone. 2022 did not quite roll out as we all thought. The return to normal was not quite normal. This new way of life did not stop me from sketching and achieving other art-related goals. I have listed them below and put links to separate blog posts if there is one about the event.
- Daily sketching. This year again I filled ten Moleskine watercolour sketchbooks (13 x19 cm) of everyday sketching. I sketch everyday and carry my sketchkit which includes watercolour pencils and sketchbook with me everywhere. I scan every page of my sketchbook and put them all on Flickr (an image-sharing website) Some go onto Facebook at Alissa Duke Art . I post daily on Instagram alissaduke1

- I have maintained this, my weekly art blog. Thank you to the 192 followers of this weekly art blog. I hope that you find it enjoyable and interesting to read and full of information. Sometimes I write about hints and tips when using watercolour pencils, other times the blog will be about art events I am involved in and the rest are usually my sketches from the previous week. I hope that I am able to share a bit of my passion for drawing and watercolour pencils. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to explain anything I do. If you would like to receive a weekly email you can Subscribe here.
- purchase of Uniqu lighting set I produced three videos captured on my in time-lapse on my camera with this new set-up. I have been wanting to do this for a few years and am very proud to have mastered the technology. If you would like to see me “in action” you can view these three. sketching toast sketching a coffee cup, sketching Christmas food.
- Etsy – Etsy Sales – I have an Etsy online store selling my Greeting cards and ‘drawn in books’. This year was very quiet for card and book sales.
- Newsletter Newsletter. I sent two newsletters this year to the 136 people who subscribe to my newsletter, in April and October. The newsletter is for people who are interested in my art and would like to know when major events happen – new card designs, markets, exhibitions, and classes. They may not necessarily be interested in my Weekly Art Blog, but still want to be updated. Obviously a little quiet this year. This will be one of the places I announce any classes when they begin
- Instagram. I now have 1713 followers on Instagram alissaduke1. I post a sketch daily on Instagram. They are examples of my art and often are my “everyday” sketching hopefully this inspire some sketchers that anything is sketchable and you don’t have to ‘finish’ a sketch. Every now and and then i feature some of my ETSY art.
2022– Below are my art projects and commercial activities in 2022. (paying for my pencils) This year once again was a little different. I had no classes. I did have a few very special one-off art events.
- Clunes Booktown Festival was held in May. I had a stall there and it was truly a highlight as my love of books and drawing on old books came together in one place. I felt like it was made for me. I had forgotten that was only in this past year.http://alissaduke.com/2022/05/clunes-booktown-festival-2.html

- Blarney Books & Art Biblio Art Prize. This annual Port Fairy (Victoria, Australia) event was held. When you enter the competition you get given a book title to interpret artistically. This year the books were by recently published Australian Authors. I entered and was given The creativity and skill of the other entries were amazing and it is worth spending time looking through them on the website. Here is my blogpost about my entry. There were over 200 entries (you can view online) and 100 were chosen for display at the exhibition. I later found out that it was shortlisted in the Top eight! (see the presentation video .

- Melbourne Rare Book Week has been postponed for the past few years. I usually sketch on location at the talks and events. However, we were so very fortunate the Melbourne Rare Book Fair went ahead. This is where the rare book traders have stands for the purchase of books. I was invited to sketch there this year, It felt so good to see familiar faces and I could see that everyone else was enjoying the in-person interactions again.

- East Melbourne Community day and Christmas picnic stalls. These were two lovely local events where I was invited to have a stall to sell my greeting cards. It was a wonderful time to catch up with local friends and meet new ones. People know me as ‘you’re the one who sketches’ or ‘I bought your cards last year and will have to get some more”
- one private commission. It was a beautiful old stone building, so I was very happy.
2023 – I wonder what will happen
- Attending the International Urban Sketching Symposium in Auckland, New Zealand in April. Hundreds of people register to attend workshops ( I am excited to have got into three I really wanted to), absorb techniques by viewing demos, and hear about different concepts, from a range of experienced presenters. It is also a great opportunity to connect with Sketchers from around the world. Meet old friends and make new ones. I am excited!
- I have a commission for another old building due in March
- I have just been asked if I would like to put my sketchbooks in the local library. I have done this in the past and have received very positive feedback. I just have to think of a theme.
- a potential BIG event – watch this space
- I would love to return to giving classes on Saturdays. Before Covid, I gave one-off Saturday morning classes on “Travel Sketching with Watercolour pencils” . I really enjoy sharing my knowledge and passion for watercolour pencils and have missed this.
- Of course, I will continue to sketch everyday.
Wishing you a creative 2023. Happy sketching!
sketching is your passion, and an inspiration to those of us who follow you on your many platforms and look forward to every post. I look forward to hearing of your big news and seeing what this new year brings.
Thank you
You’ve had a wonderfully productive year, and I’ve enjoyed seeing all your posts! Wishing you an equally productive and sketchy 2023!
I have enjoyed seeing your sketches, reading about your travels, and your informative and love of using watercolor pencils for your sketching! I’m looking forward to the “big news” and 2023!
Fantastic to see how much you’ve achieved in the past year. I have ben doing a similar exercise and it’s surprising what you can forget. I look forward to seeing you in Auckland!