After the death of our mother last week, my brother and I have been sorting through and clearing out her retirement village home. Thankfully, Mum had moved there three years ago, and the BIG cleanout occurred back then. It was her house of 50 years and it took a long time to go through all of those memories. I kept some things and drew others.
I like to draw objects, I like their history and narrative.
This time I have drawn some objects that Mum had kept and I did not wish to take home, However, they held hugely sentimental value.
When I draw I do not think of anything else. Which is a lovely thing.

I also drew some of the lovely flowers that were sent to us.
I am looking forward to getting back to urban sketching soon .
I love that you have drawn memories of the small things in your parents life. What a lovely thought.
This is a lovely way to remember some of your mother’s special things.
Wishing you well, Lisa
Beautifully sketched objects Alissa, I like the shoes, though not the bow for you, I would have the bow 🙂 and you will laugh, I was using an apple corer yesterday which I bought here in a kitchen shop, USELESS, it bends in the middle no strength to it at all. Your Mum’s looks sturdier, so I’m on a hunt again. The flowers look lovely.
Glad you are getting out and about , next week it should be a tad warmer here to mid teens it looks on the BOM. Take care ok?
So sad to hear of your Mums death.
This is a good way to record those special moments and reminders of their life.