Christmas is always low key but was even quieter this year. But I had my pencils and some lovely seasonal festivities to sketch . And lots of phone calls. so it was a lovely day.
I had purchased some delicious deli foods . Then found some holly to add to my table decorations. Some of this stayed on the table to long (to eat) and was thrown out .
I decided to stop at a certain stage, as this is a journal page and not a still life. My sketching style is the unfinished look and this is it.

I spent longer on the pudding and wine. I had planned this as I know it wanted it to be in more details and it was sketched over two evening. Once again I could have spent longer on this and gone into more details, but it a page in my journal to capture a moment.

And then finally – eating the pudding !

I hope that you found some peace and joy this Christmas.
Love these. Thank you so much for sharing.
The colours are excellent and I especially love the pudding and wine drawing.