This weeks sketches have been a combination of very quick sketches when out and about and slower drawings at home. All in watercolour pencil of course.

Me in my facemask. I took a screenshot of myself on Skype and drew from that. So much easier to sketch from that, than in the mirror for this self portrait. Facemasks have to be worn when outside the home.
Very quick sketches in the park. We are allowed to go out for exercise, so I do not linger longer. These were all sketched in just a few minutes. Sometimes more colour is added at home. I could take a photo and draw from that at home, but that is not within the concept or spirit that I enjoy, of capturing the moment and sketching on location. These sparse sketches reflect the time we are in and the fact that I not taking 20 or 30 minutes to sketch out on location as I usually would.

When I am out walking, I am often looking up at the sky, trees, and Melbourne city skyline. I take in deep breathes and appreciate what I have, I am also looking down on the ground for treasures to take home and draw, This week I picked up a lovely stick, with peeling bark. Is it sitting on my dining table and I am slowly adding to it. As it is already deadwood, it is not going to change colour, or shape while I sketch it. Leaves often change in a few days.

Another quick sketch, capturing the moment, Waiting in line at the pharmacy. It looked like I was in for a bit of a wait, so I took out my sketchbook and the first pencil I picked out of my sketchkit.
I also enjoy taking longer to draw objects on the table in front of me, but still finishing within one session, (as the dinner was eaten). The cork and wine glass were completed the next day.
And the challenge of sketching from a Zoom talk. It was difficult to capture a likeness, even when the author being interviewed is on screen most of the time and didn’t move position lot.
I wonder what this week will bring …
Thanks for all in inspiration. Your examples encourage me to step out of the box where ever I am.