I spent today with three sketching friends, planning for a potential future event,

It took a bit of coordination to actually find a time that we could all meet today. We spent five hours at a cafe from brunch to lunch throwing about ideas. While we were talking we were also sketching. We have four different styles of making marks on the page, the colours we use and objects and things that we choose to sketch, For me, this is the wonderful thing about sketching- there is no right or wrong and it is all about capturing the moment on the page.
Here are my sketches
Mt Tulk Cafe at State Library of Victoria. RMIT (University) buildng features large green clouds of tiles on its facade, Mt
Originally built for the Singer Sewing Machine company in 1912,
and some of the others as they painted.
Watch this space for details on our project. My year was already taking shape, after a weekend of planning early in the New Year. This has neatly fitted into my calendar. I have some classes and exhibitions planned.
Busy day of sketching, plenty of colour. I like the three ladies’ sketches even if you say there isn’t a likeness.
Thank you !
Well as I know some of these people I say there is a likeness.?
You are too kind ! There is a sort of likeness, but not quite there. It is a special skill to be able to capture the likeness of a person. Sometimes just moving a line by a few millimeters can make the world of difference The answer is practice practice practice.