I took a break from my blog last week as I was drawing a series of five posters commissions that will be shared at a later date . This week’s blog includes some local everyday sketches in my sketchbook from the past two weeks. I carry my sketchbook and watercolour pencils with me everywhere and take and make opportunities to sketch in spare moments.
I will usually sketch my coffee or food. The more you sketch something, the more practice you get and build your confidence and technique.
Then there are the everyday sketches (above and below)
And every now and then something out of the ordinary happens in the everyday and I take the opportunity to capture that on the page.
I was walking to work and looked up to see three hot air balloons above Melbourne, one very close by above Captain Cooks cottage in Fitzroy Gardens. They actually move quickly, so I got some initial sketches down on the page to get the comparative size of the balloon to the buildings and then added details of the trees and building after the balloons had left. watercolour pencil.

We have a local Community Garden built out the back of our local Library. I had been told that they were ripe for the picking and collected these wonderful foods. Well done everyone who was involved in the creation and maintenance of this wonderful community resource. watercolour pencil
Interested in Sketching with Watercolour Pencils? I have a series of classes on Travel Sketching classes held in Melbourne. You don’t have to be travelling to join the class, as you can see it is the same as keeping an everyday sketch journal. No art experience necessary as it is all about capturing the moment of your life on page. see more details
Loved this post. A great reminder about the importance of sketching where/whenever you are! Beautiful work as always.
Thanks Jules. There is ‘nothing to draw”