Best Wishes to everyone for 2018

Here are some of my sketches from my first week of 2018. There are only a few, but I think they sum up my week and my different styles of using my watercolour pencils. The year ended with a fall (no alcohol involved). No stitches required, but in bed by 9.30pm with a cup of tea and honey. This was my new year celebrations !
Back to work – drawing my work place and meeting sketching friends at lunch. A great way to start the year !
A train ride and back to the suburb of Heidelberg to meet with a sketching friend to walk through my planned route for my Travel Sketching Workshop with Arts on Burgundy on Saturday January 20th. The class is full, but there is a waitlist and we hope to run more sessions in the future. I sketched this at the station while I waited for my train home.
dinner with friends. A leftover. I had great fun drawing this. It all came together when I added the ‘dots’ (of the walnut) to the drawing of the cake. Before that it looked like a cheesecake, as the texture was so smooth
And finally, I have started on a special project for a friend’s birthday in March. I have been asked to draw in an old cookery book . It was published in 1909 and is about the size of a hardcover novel. I plan to do about 20 drawings. There are some strange recipes that I hope to illustrate in the book. Many of you will be aware of my “You Can’t Draw in Books” exhibition (illustrating pages in books that were about to thrown out) and now the sale of some of the books and pages on my ETSY online store
All of the best to you all in 2018. Happy sketching !
Sorry to hear about your gash! I love everything you do with colored pencils and all the ways you use them! What a great start to the new year!
– Tina
Happy 2018! What a good start to the year with lovely sketches!
(Sorry to hear you hurt yourself on New Years Eve.)
Thanks Tina. You know I love my watercolour pencils. I wonder where they will take me this year?
Happy New Year Tricia ! and thank you
Ouch! Hope it’s healing well.
That deer sketch! ♥
Thank you. I am just glad that i did not have to go to Emergency for stitches on New Years Eve !
Glad your fall didn’t stop you for long.
Wishing 2018 is a very successful year for you.
Hello Sue – Happy New Year to you too. 2018 is full of possibilities .