Today’s blog shows what I have been working on over the last month. I plan to have a new range of greeting cards printed in October. There will be five or six. Two are Australian animals which can be given at Christmas, but also used throughout the year.

Taken at angle . This card will be in landscape format . This is what he looks like now. Needs a bit more work
Here is my possum with gumnut leaves and blossoms. He is not finished yet, as I still need to add his little claws, finish the blossoms and add a bit more depth to the leaves. We have a few difference species of possums in Australia. They are not all this cute, and anyone who has one living in their roof will not think possums are cute at all !
These photos were taken with my camera, when I remembered. Hence, the strange angles and shadows on the paper. I will show you the finished drawing and cards when he returns from the printers.
And here is how he came into being. Last year I had comments asking for Australian drawings. I have a cute squirrel, and Plum Pudding and Mince Pies, but nothing Australian. I originally planned the two cards as Christmas cards, I wanted something Christmassy in the drawing, but wanted to avoid putting Santa hats on them. I also thought about the red and green Australian flora we have .
These two concepts combined to create the idea that I followed through with .
Drawing the little possum with his cute pink nose and big eyes.
The possum is really delightful!
– Tina