But first I sketched a boat at the ferry terminal as I had arrived early (on purpose – to sketch a boat or scene)
Once on the island it was hard to know where to begin. This is the usual problem at Cockatoo Island as there is so much to see. I had decided to sketch in my Moleskine watercolour sketchbook (13 x 20 cm) as I just did not feel like drawing “big” today.
The old industrial cranes and the sandstone cliffs of the island have such wonderful colours – stains of age and time. I have become familiar with the colours of my watercolour pencils and the marks they make on the paper and the way their colours change when a little or a lot of water is added. These two drawings are a combination of :
pencil directly on the page, with water added after
colour off the tip of the pencil added with the water
pecil only on the page – great for fine lines and details
They were all sketched in ink first .
The colours I used for rust and stains are :
Faber Castell
Light Yellow Ochre
Burnet Ochre (turns very orange when water added)
Burnt Umbre
Cool Grey IV