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Melbourne Rare Book Week books & sales


I hope that you enjoyed my exhibition “You Can’t Draw in Books?”  at Melbourne City Library as part of Melbourne Rare Books Week .If you have not seen the exhibition and are curious about any of the drawings in  the books, email me and I will send a photo of the image.

These previously valueless books,  about to be discarded, now have a value and are all available for purchase. Below is a price list of all the books in the exhibition . (I was going to post thumbnail images, but the technicalities overwhelmed me)  Locate the book that you would like to purchase and email me at aduke(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) I will send a Paypal invoice or arrange other bank account payment. Delivery/collection is after 16 August as I am on holidays sketching in England until then.

Please note : You are purchasing the whole book, condition as is. It is yours to decide to take pages out and frame them or have the book open on the shelf or shelve the book and read it one day and get a nice surprise on one page. (If you choose use the pages and remove them and I am happy to take the book back and draw in it again).

Display cabinet in Foyer

1 Outlines of English History (Elizabeth 1)                100

2 The Nights of London                                                100

3 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland                          100

4 The Story of English Literature (Dictionary)          100

5 Warne Dollar & Cent Ready Reckoner                   70

6 Ellery Queen’s Book of Mystery Stories                70

7 Boswell’s London Journal 1762-1763                    60

8 Richard III                                                                    70

9 The Pan Book of Etiquette and Good Manners   50

10 Australian Wine Vintages 2009                             50

Behind Information Desk

11 Maisie Dobbs                                                            80

11A The Racer                                                                80

11B A Tour by Car Through England, Scotland and Wales    150

11C On Her Majesty’s Secret Service                         40

12 The Undomestic Goddess                                      80

13 Australian Garden Guide                                         80

14 Cooking with Wine and Cheese                            80

15 Cooking with Meat                                                  80

16 Traitor’s Purse                                                         50

17 I was Amelia Earhart                                               50

18 Stanley Gibbons Postage Stamp Catalogue 1961 50

19 Practical Typewriting                                               80

20 Blue Skies                                                                   50

21 The Venetian Mask                                                  50

22 Memoirs of a Geisha                                               100

LONDON A-Z London Street Atlas and Index,

23 Paddington                                                                70

24 Wombles – Orinoco                                                70

25 Battersea Power Station                                        70

26 London Bus                                                               70   SOLD

27 Telephone Box                                                         70   SOLD

28 Harrods                                                                      70


29 Supply of Seed Potatoes                                         80

30 Acts of the Parliament of Victoria Index              not for sale

31 Hare Preservation Act                                             150        SOLD

32 Wine Grape Charges Act                                         100

33 Whaling Act                                                               100

34 Apple and Pear Organization Act                          100

35 Egg Export Charges Act                                           100   SOLD

36 Dairy Produce Export Control Act                        100      SOLD

37 Antarctic Treaty Act                                                   150

38 Lighthouses Act                                                        80

39 Honey Levy Collection Act                                     150    SOLD

40 Passports Act                                                            80

packing for my UK sketching holiday

This week is a short post. It has self explanatory sketches of my packing for my UK holiday in two weeks time.
Below is my art gear – not a lot different than usual. I will carry my pencil wrap and one Moleskine on the plane, sketching all the way. However I am taking extras of many of the items in my check in luggage.

10Jul2016 sketch kit 10Jul2016 sketch kit2


The next pages are my clothes. I find this a very useful exercise. I have been able to look at the last time I travelled (three years ago to Barcelona and the UK) and what I packed then.
10Jul2016 clothes 2

10Jul2016 clothes 1

counting down to travel and MRBW

The countdown is really on to two BIG events for me. Melbourne Rare Book Week in two weeks and UK holiday in three weeks.

Here is an update.


Three weeks to go ’til we leave on holidays to the UK – here is this weeks envelope to Mum. I a not at prolific this year and have forgotten to scan them before I send them !. Here are lots from  last holiday three years ago  to the UK.21Jun16 squirrel envelope


As I have described previously I am going to be sketching the events of Melbourne Rare Book Week. They will be quick sketches in pen, maybe adding a splash of colour. I plan to combine these with some sketches of the buildings or room they are held in to provide context, interest and colour. Yesterday I spent time at the beautiful State Library of Victoria (after dropping some of my greeting cards off at  Readings bookshop – they reordered ! Hooray. But that’s another story) .

Five talks are being held there in two different rooms at State Library of Victoria. I could only gain access to one room yesterday – The Red Rotunda. I sketched from two angles – both sketches are very heavy handed, but they give an idea of the room. I may go back and redo these.

2Jul2016 Red Rotnuda 2Jul2016 Red Rotunda2



The other part of my involvement in Melbourne Rare Book Week is my exhibition “You Can’t Draw in Books?” at Melbourne City Library. Yesterday I met with one of the Library staff to look at the practicalities of the display. We tried to find display stands to suit the various book sizes and see how they would look in the different areas of the library.

photo 2photo 3photo 1 Life is very busy and exciting !

stocking up for travel sketching

I have I started thinking about my art gear for my upcoming three week holiday in the UK, and have purchased and ordered some supplies. Some had to be ordered online and I bought extras to stock up for home as well.


I am going to attend the Urban Sketching Symposium in Manchester for three days, and will I be continuously sketching for the entire time.  I sketch daily now and will have even more to draw when I am away.

I’ll be taking my current pencil wrap (same old one as my new one did not get made), filled with  new Faber Castell LONG pencils. I’ve bought new watercolours pencil and will take doubles of a few that I am prone to use/loose.  Payne Grey, Ivory, Light Yellow Ochre.

I also bought some new watercolour pencil colours that I have been advised for UK trees, buildings  – Sap Green, Hookers Green, Alizarin Crimson.


I am taking three Moleskine 13 x 19 cm Watercolour Sketchbooks. I have already started the first one by holiday sketching- drawing my new suitcase, some British pounds. I’ll sketch my clothes before I go. Then at the airport, on the plane ….


My eraser is specific – it fits in my pencilwrap in a pencil space. TOMBOW Mono Zero 2.5 x 5 mm


I’ll take two waterbrushes – one in use and one spare. I use ZIG Brush H20 Medium Tip. It has a filter that slows the flow of water. This suits my drawing style, as I don’t flood the page with water and colour and I like to work in small areas on the page.


And a spare sharpener.  Blunt pencils make for a bad drawing – so much of my drawing of objects relies on the hint of detail,  which a sharp, fine line provides.

Of course, this is just my usual sketching gear. I am enrolled in four workshops and four activities at Manchester Urban Sketching Symposium. They will all challenge me and build my techniques and skills but are all suited to my drawing based approach. I will buy some extra art gear in Manchester when I get there. I am sure to get ideas from the other 500 sketchers there !

exhibition preview

Today I held a special champagne preview for some close friends of my upcoming exhibition “You Can’t Draw in Books?” for Melbourne Rare Book Week.

from left to right. Leon, Alissa, Louise, ,Michaela, Adam

Today’s preview was at my apartment for some good friends who will not be in town while my exhibition is on. The books were displayed, grouped as they will be in the different areas in Melbourne City Library. The difference was that today, they were spread out over a table, mantle piece and my bed, instead of labelled in display cabinets.

DSCF1172 DSCF1173DSCF1170DSCF1182







The exhibition is at Melbourne City Library, Flinders Lane from 14 – 24 July. I will be giving a talk with book collector, Chris Browne  on Monday 18 July at 6pm. We will explore aspects of drawing in books, from early manuscript illustrations and the presentation of pictures on the printed page, to my own informal drawing in books. Book here for the talk.








Above are a selection of the books. There are forty in total.

We are now at the stage of designing the flyer, and writing the content for the different areas of the display. In just over three weeks we will set up the exhibition. Today, it was great to receive some lovely comments from my friends and to get their feedback on some questions I had.  Thanks all for a lovely celebration and sharing my exciting art adventures.











travel countdown drawings

In six weeks my mother &  I will be on a plane to England.

Once a week I write a letter to her (a real letter, on paper,  in an envelope, in the post) and draw something related to our holiday. It is a way of building the excitement and also being aware of how the weeks are flying by,

Last holiday, three years ago, I drew on the envelopes that I mailed each week in a ten  week countdown . This year I have only managed one original drawing on an envelope. 20May2015 squirrel envelope

This year, life  is a lot busier, so I am using the drawings from one of my other projects, which neatly fits into the holiday. My exhibition for Melbourne Rare Book Week title “You Can’t Draw in Books?” involves me drawing in old (about to be discarded) books, illustrating the words on one of the open pages. One of the books is an old A-Z London Street directory . I am drawing images of iconic images of London or something that reflects the place on the page.

I then cut and paste my final saved and drawn image into an envelope to mail to my mother. That means that this year she is not getting ‘an original’ on the envelope – but still gets a surprise each week !

I have completed (or started) five drawings on pages so far and identified another few pages with potential, including Regents Park (draw a squirrel) , Kew Gardens (a flower) , Battersea (Power station), Greenwich ( something to do with time OR the Cutty Sark ), Hampton Court (the palace) ….

5jun16 paddington 3May16 telephone boxA-Z london bus London A-Z Womblesharrods

my travelling Visconti ink pot

I am excited to be writing this blog post about my new travelling ink pot – because it means that I am travelling !!!

13May2016 draw a suitcase13April2016 GBP

In seven weeks I will be flying overseas. We are going to England, flying directly to Manchester for the Urban Sketching Symposium … more about that later.


4Jun16 travelling ink potl

The Visconti travelling ink pot, eyedropper and my Lamy pen

I have recently purchased a Visconti travelling ink pot to carry and refill the ink for my Lamy Safari Joy pen. I will be sketching furiously for three weeks in England and will need to refill the ink in my pen during that time. It is like an old-fashioned fountain pen where you dip the pen into the ink bottle and draw the ink up into the pen. At about $100 (more than twice the price of the pen) the travelling ink pot was a little investment, but it will bring me the peace of mind that I  will not open my suitcase to a leaked/broken ink bottle. It is vacuum sealed and received excellent reviews.

My last overseas holiday was three years ago to Barcelona for a previous Urban Sketching Symposium. To transport my ink, I  used a small interesting plastic bottle wrapped in bubble wrap, put in another plastic jar, sealed in a plastic bag. Secure, but it took up valuable luggage space. See my post from three years ago to read more about it

I will start using my new travelling ink pot now, so that I can  figure out how it works ! I will be refilling with Noodlers Bulletproof Black ink until I finish the bottle. Noodlers is not stocked in Australia anymore and I have purchased DeAtramentis Black Document Ink as a replacement product.

Over the next few weeks/months my weekly blog will be about my Melbourne Rare Book Week  activities, Urban Sketching Symposium and  as well as drawing in the countdown to holidays.



Melbourne Rare Book Week

“Melbourne Rare Book Week – for the love of books” was launched on Monday night. The program of free events has been announced and bookings are open. It is on from 14 -25 July 2016.

I am absolutely thrilled and humbled to be involved with the event in two ways. Melbourne Rare Book Week (MRBW)  is a very prestigious event – attracting a wide range of local, Australian and global visitors.

Firstly, I have an exhibition, “You Can’t Draw in Books?” and an accompanying talk. I have over 40 books that I bought for a dollar or two, or were being discarded. I am illustrating on pages in reaction to the text on the page. One of my thoughts is that this drawing may make the viewer look deeper at the page and the book. And by doing this, giving the book a new life.

Hare Preservation Act

The drawing from my exhibition that was chosen to go in the MRBW promotional brochure (above) for the event  is drawn in a old law book. I have illustrated the Hare Preservation Act 1892 (UK) . Just read deeper and you will find out about regulating the hare breeding season.

The exhibition has an associated talk , with book collector Chris Browne, who will explore aspects of drawing in books, from early manuscript illustrations and the presentation of pictures on the printed page to some examples of formal and informal book illustrations in more modern times.

Here are some of the sketches in books I have already shared online. They are all still “works in progress “as I have a bit more to add to each before July.

Ross's Outlines of English History

Ross’s Outlines of English History

Undomestic Goddess

Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

All but one of the books are on open pages.

However the London A-Z Street Map is falling apart and is just asking to have many pages drawn on.
30Apr16 london busLondon A-Z

July may seem a long way away, but is rapidly coming closer. My time between now and then will be spent investigating signage, labels… and completing the drawings.

23may2016 MRBW

Secondly, I am involved as an urban sketcher. I was excited to be contacted by Chris Browne last year after Kay Craddock (the organiser of MRBW) had seen some of my sketches from various Melbourne Rare Book Week events last year.
Chris suggested the idea of me visually recording some of the events and activities in 2016 through drawing. I started by sketching the launch (above). Urban sketchers draw what they see, on location, in real time, as it happens, and share their drawings on line. There are 55 events over the week and I will be kept very busy! You will see more about this over coming weeks on my blog, facebook, Instagram and flickr.

And then before it ends, I jump on a plane and fly to Manchester for the Urban Sketchers Symposium !

High Tea at The Gables

A morning of catching up with sketching friends Juliet, Jill, Jeanette and Kate  and celebrating various exciting events in our lives recently.  We decided to book in for a High Tea and found the perfect one at beautiful The Gables, a 1902 Queen Anne style house/function venue in Malvern East, Melbourne.

22May2016 The Gables desserts

Of course, we had to sketch. The sandwiches, quiches, scones , and then desserts were beautiful to draw and eat. … and the champagne and the tea cups….Our time went so quickly.

                      22May2016 The Gables champagne22May2016 The Gables tea





We stayed an extra half an hour outside in the garden. The weather has got a bit cool, otherwise we would have stayed a lot longer. As soon as I saw the photo of the house on the website, I wanted to draw some if it – either the windows, the stained glass, chimneys or some other character feature. I was happiest with this sketch from all my drawings of the day.

22May2016 The Gables
