Category Archives: food

Weekend in Kyneton


12jul15 kyneton

A friend & I visited Kyneton for a long talked about long weekend. Kyneton is a thriving country  town 85 km from Melbourne in Central Victoria and is just over an hour by train. It has become renowned as a country destination for good food. It has Art galleries  and lovely shops for home furnishings, craft, books, nurseries, gifts, food, wine and clothes.

These are my drawings from the weekend.


I started in my sketchbook the night before, drawing a map of the area and listing the train stops along the way. Then I sketched at Southern Cross Station.
Our cottage was newly renovated, stylish and also cosy and warm on a chilly weekend.


I sketched inside and out.



Exploring Kyneton


Kyneton Museum

Unlike a majority of towns in the area, Kyneton predates the Victorian Gold Rush  having been established in 1850, and gold rushes started the year after that. Some of the finest Bluestone buildings to be found in Victoria are a main feature of the town and date back to the Gold Rush era when Kyneton was a major supply town for the diggings.


Food from the farmers markets

The food at the farmers markets. Delicious to look at and draw. The stallholders were delightful to talk to and we had some lovely conversations. A place to return to.

Welcome to 2015

Welcome to 2015 and my new website.

This new year is full of opportunities and promises many adventures.

Like my dishmop drawing (below) I am having a clean out in the New Year.  2015 has started well as I have successfully moved from a Blogger blog to a WordPress website, which you are looking at now. I still have the same address

A clean out in the new Year. Even the everyday is interesting !

You may notice differences on my blog page formatting and I hope to smooth these out over the next weeks.

As well as a blog,  WordPress provides the options of a Gallery (to display some of my drawings in themed groups such as food, travel, nature) , a Shop and more !

I am spending time looking at the process of getting my drawings from the pages in my sketchbook onto cards and prints.

I have been busy spending time working on my website, but have still been drawing everyday – even through a recent headcold.

17jan2015 quail eggs

16jan2015 a cold

fish in 6 ways and other food sketches

Evelyn’s Birthday lunch.
A table spread with fruits, cheeses, dips and breads and much more.
All the people gathered were sketchers, so the food was a focus for many reasons.
breads, dips, meats. cheeses
Then Angela arrived with smoked trout. 
I drew the trout once in ink, then again in colour, then again bigger and in colour, then in ink……I experimented with drawing some in a larger A4 Jasart 150gsm sketchbook, and with one of the new Tombow pens that I got for Christmas.
 I really enjoyed doing these sketches today and felt very creative and inspired . I am sure it was not just the subject matter(the fish), but being surrounded by creative friends an in the right state of mind..
He did get eaten along the way …
then I moved onto dessert and the view 
Sunnyboys – you have to be Australian growing up in the 1970/1980’s to know these

drawing biscuits step by step

Today  I drew two biscuits for the Everyday in May challenge of Draw a Cookie.
I thought that I would share my drawing process with you. I use watercolour pencil in a Moleskine Watercolour sketchbook.
Everyday in May is an art challenge I have participated four times in previous years.  A list of daily challenges is provided at the beginning of May and everyone draws/paints their interpretation. See everyone else’s at
These are based on the list of Danny Gregory Everyday Matters challenges.
Here is my drawing of a “Cookie.
” In Australia we call them biscuits and these are two Arnott’s classics. A Monte Carlo and a Shortbread Cream. These two are not my absolute favourites, but definitely part of growing up in Australia. The Delta Cream biscuit was added later……
Monte Carlo: a raspberry and cream fondant sandwiched between two golden syrup, honey and coconut biscuits.
Shortbread creams: two vanilla shortbreads with vanilla cream in the centre

The finished drawing. It took about two hours


Melbourne holiday sketching

I have just returned from five days in Melbourne. It was 44 degrees for four days in a row – the four days I was there ! Very hot

A lot of the time during the day I met with some of the Melbourne Urban Sketchers, which I have written about in a separate blogpost.

The rest of the time I sketched alone or when I was with my friends Louise & eon, who I was staying with. My sketchbook pages for my time in Melbourne are journal of my days. They are reminders of what I ate, where I went and events that occurred and the people I was with.

I carry the one sketchbook a Moleskine watercolour sketchbook 13 x 21, my watercolour pencils in a wrap and Lamy Safari Joy ink pen – note to self – Always bring extra ink. I ran out with two days go. Not a tragedy and I could have bought more. Instead it just meant that I used other pencils and left the writing until I got home.
I starting with my traditional airport sketch – with extra excitement this time when the departure lounge was cleared.



Some iconic Melbourne – Flinders Street & tram

other sketches  – a motorbike parked outside State Library

A building in Flinders Lane. It is on the last page of my sketchbook, so has some scribbles. I show people how watercolour pencils work on this last page – scribble scribble scribble, splash splash

I did sketches at my friends – lettuce in pot that was sitting in the sink . I later printed it at home on a card and sent it as a thank you card for having me as their guest. We did eat some of the lettuce.

We also ate out.Brunch at Mossgreen tearooms in Armadale on Saturday.  I have a page of notes next to write next to this sketch about our wonderful experience there. I sketched my breakfast while we were there. Scrambled eggs with salmon and dill.

The waitress watched and chatted to us as it was nice and quiet and early. She also loved to sketch and we left her inspired and with the contact details for Melbourne Urban Sketchers.

I took a photo of the tearooms from across the street and sketched it at home. I like to sketch on location, but I did not have the time and it was too hot.


My friend Louise was cooking dinner from a simple recipe form the internet (she searched for something with spinach as she had a lots in the crisper) it was untried, but simple, so she tried it, I have no enthusiasm for cooking, but was happy to chat in the kitchen while she sliced, chopped and baked.

I was inspired by their home grown garlic (small but very strong smelling) and had an idea to draw the ingredients, spreading over two pages.  It then moved to drawing all the ingredients and the finished results, which would hopefully be mouthwatering .

As I have used my watercolour pencils for the past five year I am very aware of the colours and how to apply them and what will happen when I add water (some colours change a lot !) I also know how textures can be achieved, although I am still learning all the time. That is why I am passionate about using them …


I then the decided to leave space to add the list of the ingredients and recipe.
The pressure was on to draw the ingredients before they were added to the pan. Some were drawn after the pie was in the oven (an onion is an onion). I grabbed some spinach before it was added and other being chopped. I could make a whole blog of this.

I realised that I would have to add tasting notes, as we were all a little disappointed at the bland taste .

The next morning I was up before the others, in the kitchen, had take the left overs (just as well there was some) out of the fridge and drew them before the others were up for breakfast ! This was the day I was leaving……

My plane to go home